Victims of alleged historical child abuse have written to Home Secretary Theresa May saying they are withdrawing from the official inquiry into chid sexual exploitation because they have lost confidence in the government investigation. Read more...
The Archbishop of Canterbury The Most Reverend Justin Welby has blamed television for making “a culture of abuse” appear acceptable in society. Read more...
David Cameron is to launch the government’s Child Abuse Image Database (CAID) at an Internet safety event on 11 December. Read more...
Changes in the law which would make parent-child abduction across international borders a criminal offence have been set out after an 18-month consultation involving Reunite’s Legal Working Group and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Child Abduction. Read more...
The parents of Ashya King – who was taken to Prague for life-saving proton beam therapy for a brain tumour – have said they fear returning to the UK in case their son is taken away from them by social services. Read more...
Watchdog Ofsted has said many children are being put at risk of being sexually exploited as a result of failings in children’s services at local councils. Read more...
A 25-year-old man from Blackpool has denied charges of child cruelty at Preston Crown Court, after tests showed his three-year-old daughter had ingested cannabis.
A cage fighter who repeatedly stabbed his pregnant girlfriend has been jailed for 19 years by a judge at Hull Crown Court. Read more...
The government is to introduce new rules on child maintenance which would mean non-resident parents who do not keep up their child maintenance payments will potentially harm their credit rating. Read more...
A Court of Appeal ruling could mean that women who drink alcohol while aware they are pregnant could face criminal charges. Read more...
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has issued guidance to GPs on how to spot the signs of child abuse, cyber bullying, child trafficking and children who are being groomed in extremism. Read more...
A Court of Protection judge has ruled that a woman in her thirties who has paranoid schizophrenia can undergo a forced Caesarean section to protect her and her baby’s wellbeing. Read more...
A report by the Home Affairs Select Committee into files which went missing from a researcher’s office during the Rotherham child abuse scandal has called for an urgent investigation into how the files went missing. Read more...
A 28-year-old woman has been released on police bail after a three-year-old child was found wandering alone near Chatham Station in Kent at midnight on Wednesday (15/10/14). Read more...
A victim of female genital mutilation (FGM) had told MPs that African girls at risk of FGM need safe houses to protect them from being cut. Read more...
New figures obtained from the EU data organisation Eurostat show that Britain has more single parent families than any other EU country, apart from Latvia in Eastern Europe.
The UK is seeing a steep increase in the number of child abuse cases involving witchcraft. Read more...
An investigation by the BBC has found that a high number of vacancies for social workers across the country may be putting the safety of vulnerable children at risk. Read more...
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is warning agencies or individuals tracking down children who have been abducted and taken overseas by family not to “re-abduct” them in order to return them to the parent who has custody. Read more...
The Department of Justice in Ireland has said it dealt with 109 new cases of child abduction in 2013 – with around half of the cases dealt with last year relating to abduction to or from the United Kingdom. Read more...
A young father who attacked his baby daughter – including biting her on the forehead – has been jailed for 22 years after being convicted of her murder. Read more...
A father who left his baby daughter alone in a car during a heatwave in August has been arrested on suspicion of child neglect and possession of cannabis. Read more...
A jury at the Old Bailey has heard how a father repeatedly hit his baby daughter and bit her on her forehead before she died.
The Mail on Sunday reports that police arrested Brian Kandare, 32, and his wife Precious, 36, at their home in Park Village, Wolverhampton, after their nine-month old daughter Rebecca died as a result of severe malnourishment in January. Read more...
A victim of child abuse has spoken out about how Asian girls who are sexually abused are often unable to go to the police because of family pressures. Read more...
A series of reports published in the journal The Lancet has shown that out of the 5,000 children and adolescents who die in England and Wales every year as a result of neglect, medical conditions and accidents, around 1,000 could be saved. Read more...
Families in which one partner has a salary of more than £50,000 are being sent letters by HMRC, demanding immediate repayment of child benefit they received before the government stripped parents who earn more than £50,000 of some of their child benefit entitlement. Read more...
The parents of five-year-old Ashya King are currently being held in custody in Madrid, after saying they do not wanted to be extradited to the UK. Read more...
The grandmother of five-year-old Ashya King – whose parents have taken him to Spain in the search for alternative treatment for a brain tumour – has called the action of police in arresting the couple “disgraceful”. Read more...
A report by inspectors from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) into child protection measures by Norfolk’s police force has raised concerns that police officers in Norfolk did not always adequately assess the risks which suspects could pose to other vulnerable people – especially in cases relating to possible child sexual exploitation. Read more...
A senior councillor at Wrexham Council has been sacked after he made allegations about the council’s child protection unit. Read more...
Police have traced two schoolgirls abducted by their Thai mother during a half-term break. Read more...
Neighbours and members of the public who helped a supposedly distraught mother search for her son have provoked a backlash after she was sentenced to just 11 years for his murder. Read more...
Children’s charity the NSPCC has launched a new 24/7 helpline for parents who are worried that their children may be becoming involved in gang culture. Read more...
The results of a survey by the Victoria Climbié Foundation (VCF) suggest that social workers are likely to struggle to meet their commitments under the Children and Families Act which became law in April. Read more...
The number of child protection cases in Bradford has almost doubled within a year. Read more...
A mother whose nine-year-old son was illegally withheld from her by social workers is seeking compensation from Anglesey County Council in North Wales.
A social worker has been removed from the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Register after lying about care proceedings for four children while she was working for Middlesbrough Council. Read more...
The government’s Children’s Minister Edward Timpson has responded to the findings of a report by the think tank, the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), which revealed a catalogue of failings in child protection across the UK. Read more...
A British father is searching for his two young daughters who may have been abducted by their Thai mother while on a visit to Thailand during the school holidays. Read more...
Government watchdog the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission has said the government’s target of ending child poverty will not be achieved by 2020. Read more...
A foster mother jailed for 14 years in 2007 for abusing children in her care is due to be released from prison in July, according to a Daily Mail report. Read more...
A new report by charity Save the Children has said that, by 2020, as many as five million children could be living in poverty in the UK. Read more...
A Roma couple from Slovakia who are devout Roman Catholics have been branded bigots by social workers for objecting to a gay couple adopting their youngest children – two boys aged one and four. Read more...
The Daily Mail reports that as many as 600,000 parents are being stopped and questioned at the UK’s airports and ports – as well as international railway stations such as Eurostar – because the passport system does not recognise that children and parents may have different surnames. Read more...
US researchers at the University of Seattle in Washington have found that the UK has the highest infant death rate and one of the highest child mortality rates in western Europe.
The Court of Protection has given the go-ahead for doctors at Sunderland Council to sedate – and restrain by force if necessary – a pregnant woman in her thirties, so that her baby can be born by Caesarean section.
The government is to introduce a new law which would make emotional neglect – as well as verbally abusing or belittling a child – a criminal offence. Read more...
The UK’s largest charity for parents, the NCT, has found that nearly one-third of parents in London who returned to work after having children say the costs of childcare and travel made working not viable financially. Read more...
A Care Standards Tribunal has heard how a childminder who offered to give a lift to a three-year-old girl forgot she was in the back of her car and left her strapped in for five hours while she was at work.
The government has announced a £2,000 tax break for working parents earning up to £300,000 annually. Read more...
A judge has ruled that a banker with an £100,000 salary is “not really rich” in a family court case involving an absentee father. Read more...
Sky News reports that the government is to introduce new tax breaks for childcare in the Budget.
A 14-year-old girl who was raped and sexually abused by a gang operating in Peterborough was only able to reveal what had happened to her after she spoke to her social worker after being taken into care. Read more...
Blackburn Magistrates’ Court has heard how a 13-year-old boy raped his eight-year-old sister after watching porn on his X-Box console. Read more...
The mother of a seven-week-old baby boy who died at Royal Manchester Children^s Hospital last week has been charged with his murder. Read more...
Hertfordshire County Council has issued care proceedings in relation to a young boy known only as D, who is six months old. The hearing was heard by Mrs Justice Parker. Read more...
Police raids in Newcastle have resulted in 12 men and two women being arrested on suspicion of the sexual abuse of teenage girls and young adults in northeast England. Read more...
An internal government review has criticised Ministry of Justice (MoJ) plans to increase court fees in order to raise almost £200 million. Read more...
A sex education expert has prompted an angry backlash from family campaigners, after she suggested that child abuse could be prevented if very young children “high-fived” their grandparents rather than kissing them. Read more...