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Family Law Solicitors Specialising in Autism and ADHD

Family and Child Law solicitors specialising in Autism, ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions in Care Proceedings and children disputes. 


We are extremely proud to announce the launch of our team of Family and Child Care Law solicitors specialising in Autism and ADHD. Each member of our team has the benefit of personal and professional experience of these conditions. We regularly represent clients in cases involving neurodivergence, learning difficulty, learning disability and special needs, in addition to assisting clients who are deaf or hearing impaired and children of deaf adults. Our team of Children Law Accredited solicitors have all gained a Level 2 qualification in Understanding Autism, to enhance their expertise. 


This is the first team of its kind within the UK whose focus is to advocate for the rights of neurodivergent clients and their families within Public and Private Children Law proceedings.  


We work hard to understand our clients’ specific needs (whether diagnosed or otherwise) so that we can provide tailored and informed legal representation with an emphasis on respecting the dignity of each individual. In doing so, we recognise the importance of ensuring our clients’ needs are kept at the heart of all decision making and care planning, we meticulously ensure their rights are upheld in line with disability legislation, and we strive to secure best possible outcomes. We proactively implement any necessary reasonable adjustments and pride ourselves on the bespoke service we offer.  


How can we help you? 

Our specialist team has a unique and in-depth understanding of the challenges that parents and children with hidden disabilities and/or special needs (whether diagnosed or undiagnosed) face when involved with social services and family court proceedings. This enables our team to provide insightful, empathetic and emotionally intelligent representation. 


We are all members of the Law Society’s Children Law Accreditation Scheme and represent children (though their Cafcass guardian), parents/carers and extended family members. We represent clients in the following types of cases:

  • Social services and child protection such as Public Law Outline (PLO) and Care Proceedings;
  • Disputes between parents about child arrangements;
  • Special guardianship;
  • Secure accommodation; and
  • Deprivation of liberty.


Our cases often involve the following types of concerns:

  • Physical/emotional abuse and neglect;
  • Addiction;
  • Mental health;
  • Domestic abuse;
  • Non-accidental injury; and
  • Factitious illness.


Our work involves: 

  • Ensuring we gain an in-depth understanding of our clients’ individual neurodivergent profiles to tailor the service that we provide;
  • Understanding the complexities of conditions such as Autism and ADHD and the interplay with special needs and co-occurring conditions;
  • Advocating for necessary specialist assessments to identify the specific needs of the individual(s) concerned and ensuring experts assessing the family have the relevant expertise;
  • Ensuring reasonable adjustments are made to uphold the principle of fairness and avoid discrimination;
  • Understanding the deep rooted trauma that families from neurodivergent and special needs communities may experience as a result of being misunderstood, and providing trauma informed representation in response;
  • Identifying and addressing misplaced ‘parental blame’, intersectional bias and discriminatory practices where welfare concerns stem from an individual’s hidden disability/special needs;
  • Raising awareness amongst professionals in relation to neurodivergence and hidden disabilities; and
  • Advocating for reform of the family justice system in relation to neurodivergence and hidden disabilities.

Further Information:

For all Child Care related matters contact us online now.Contact Us

Call us now on 033 3772 0409 or click here to send online enquiry.
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