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Child Or Children Custody

Duncan Lewis Family Law Child Custody




For many couples separating, divorcing or dissolving a civil partnership, the most traumatic aspect is deciding on the future of their children and doing what is best for them.


Most child and children custody arrangements can be agreed amicably, with one parent having custody of their child or children – called the resident parent – and the other parent playing a major role in bringing up the children, known as the non-resident parent.


Some parents may even agree on joint custody of their children, so that children as much as possible spend an equal amount of time with their children and share daily parenting duties.


There can be circumstances in divorce, separation or after dissolving a civil partnership when child custody becomes more complex – and it is then that a family will most need expert legal advice from a specialist child care lawyer to help them decide what is best for their children.


Duncan Lewis is one of the UK’s leading children lawyers and can advise on child custody arrangements and child contact after divorce or separation, including specialised cases or more complex cases, which might involve:

  • Contested child custody
  • Contested child contact
  • Disputes over child upbringing (eg religion, education)
  • Maintenance and child support disputes.


Child Custody and International Divorce or Islamic Divorce


Duncan Lewis child care lawyers also have acknowledged expertise in child care law and custody matters involving:

  • International marriage and divorce
  • Islamic marriage and divorce.


Our staff speak more than 70 languages between them and can help the parties work towards resolution of the issues in any child custody dispute in international divorce or Islamic divorce.


Child Custody and Domestic Violence


Duncan Lewis can also advise on child custody where one partner may be facing allegations of being an unfit parent, domestic violence or child abuse.


Duncan Lewis Family Mediation – Child and Children Custody


In cases where agreement cannot be reached between a couple, Duncan Lewis can also arrange Family Mediation to help both parties work through the issues and reach a solution, without recourse to the courts.


The courts will always take into account the welfare of the child – and will also prefer a child to have contact with both parents – so working through any differences within lawyer supported Family Mediation can help avoid traumatic court action.


Both parents can appoint their own Duncan Lewis child care lawyer to give independent legal advice at every stage of the mediation process – Duncan Lewis’ own Mediators include Resolution qualified Professional Practice Consultants.


Duncan Lewis is ranked by the Legal 500 2014 for its Family & Matrimonial work – and the Duncan Lewis team includes Advanced Members of the Law Society’s Family Panel and members of the Law Society Children Panel – so our team is well placed to help you with any child custody issues.


How can Duncan Lewis Solicitors help you?


Duncan Lewis Solicitors can advise you in relation to Child and Children Custody. Duncan Lewis Solicitors have specialist solicitors who represent parents, family members and children within this area of law.  Our solicitors, trainees and caseworkers also speak a range of languages to assist clients where required with any language barriers.


Duncan Lewis is recommended by The Legal 500 legal directory for its specialism in all aspects of family and children law nationwide and cross-border. The Legal 500 applauds our family and child care solicitors to be a team of lawyers that are ‘friendly professionals who take their time to understand your case’. Duncan Lewis team includes Advanced Members of the Law Society’s Family Panel, and members of the Law Society Children.


How will the matter be funded?


Depending on the application, legal aid may be available and you can be assessed for this prior to the matter being taken on. Alternatively, a quote for a fixed fee or the hourly rates of a legal representative may also be provided. You will be advised of the funding arrangements prior to the proceedings commencing.


For expert legal advice on all family and childcare matters, contact Duncan Lewis Solicitors on 033 3772 0409.



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