Duncan Lewis has maintained a constant commitment to support career progression within the firm, assisting with the formal training of new legal professionals within the legal aid world environment. This is under pinned by Gold IIP, Lexcel accreditation and a number of legal aid franchises.
Duncan Lewis is committed to providing training and has shown in the past that there are career progression opportunities at the firm. Sonia Lenegan recently completed her training contract at Duncan Lewis and has since been offered a solicitor role in the Public Law team at Duncan Lewis^ Shepherds Bush branch. Read more...
Duncan Lewis offered a select number of Indian solicitors to participate in their Dual Qualifying scheme. The Dual Qualifier program is the first program of its kind and is aimed at Indian Solicitors who want to gain experience with a reputed London firm and go on to qualify as a solicitor in the UK. Read more...
Duncan Lewis has had a successful annual monitoring visit from Lexcel. The annual visit checks the firm’s compliance on many levels including; structure and policies, financial management, people management, supervision and risk management, client care and file and case management.
Duncan Lewis is happy announce that Crime Solicitor Andre Crump and Duncan Roberts, both based at Duncan Lewis Hackney Branch have recently become Crime Duty Solicitors.
On November 1st 2010, Duncan Lewis had a training contract monitoring visit from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). The visit proved very positive – Duncan Lewis was complimented on the current arrangements. It was noted that there was no forthcoming suggestion on how these could be improved. Read more...
Pooja Verma and Najiyah Habib have recently completed their training contracts at Duncan Lewis and have been offered permanent roles in the Immigration department at the firm’s Harrow branch.
Adam Makepeace, Practice Director at Duncan Lewis comments on Catherine Baksi^s blog "Where will the legal aid lawyers of the future come from?"
Duncan Lewis’ Mental Health department have achieved a peer review rating of 2. This result is exemplary of Duncan Lewis Mental Health department as many of our solicitors are accredited as Mental Health panel members. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Director Jitender Birah presented a cheque for £800 to the Director of Asian Women’s Resource Centre on behalf of Duncan Lewis. The Asian Women^s Resouce Centre were extremely pleased to received this amount particularly given they had recently been told their funding was being cut from the government and they were desperately trying to raise funds to continue this vital service. Read more...
Duncan Lewis is pleased to announce the appointment of Ian Powell to join us as the Crime Practice Manager at Duncan Lewis from 4 January 2011.
Over a year has passed since Duncan Lewis Charity Committee has been set up and over £20,000 in total has been raised for various charities as nominated by employees of Duncan Lewis.
Duncan Lewis is committed to providing training and has shown in the past that there are career progression opportunities at the firm. Mandeep Sahota did her training contract at Duncan Lewis and has just been offered a permanent role in the Housing team in Hackney, where she will be supervised by Housing Partner S K Sivapunniyam.
Duncan Lewis is happy to welcome six crime freelance consultants to Duncan Lewis who have all joined us from AP Law.
Now thousands more stand to benefit as Duncan Lewis are acting in a test case that will establish the basis upon which damages should be awarded to those wrongfully excluded from the employment market, which will be heard on 26th October. Read more...
Duncan Lewis are pleased to announce that their Child Care and Family team in Shepherds Bush has expanded. Read more...
Duncan Lewis has an extensive team of immigration workers, consisting of immigration solicitors and specialists to provide help in a variety of different languages. All of our immigration team; solicitors, trainee solicitors and caseworkers will have completed their Law Society’s Immigration & Asylum Accreditation Scheme (IAAS), which is mandatory to perform immigration related work for legal aid clients. Read more...
Whilst the High Court has found in favour of the Law Society, the decision only adds to the general climate of uncertainty in the legal aid system. Duncan Lewis believes the system needs the government to safeguard its future, not court cases. Read more...
Duncan Lewis is proud to announce the growth of their immigration department with the addition of six more level 2 immigration accredited solicitors.
Despite the recent cuts in the legal aid budget, Duncan Lewis has been awarded more public law contracts than last year. Read more...
Every law firm gets reviewed regularly to make sure that they are maintaining a set standard. Duncan Lewis’ Family department were peer reviewed in September 2010. Outcome of the audit was level 2 competency plus.
Duncan Lewis has been nominated for excellence in equality and diversity. Duncan Lewis represents the society around us by including a variety of characteristics, which contribute to make each of us unique. Two thirds of our workforce defines themselves as other than white, we speak 41 different languages and six Read more...
Duncan Lewis held a dress down day on Friday 10th September to raise money for the children’s appeal with Unicef after the Pakistan flood. Almost £600 was raised for the children’s appeal.
On Friday 10th September Duncan Lewis took part in a dress down day to raise money for the children’s appeal with Unicef after the Pakistan flood. Read more...
‘ZO’ was a lone, vulnerable, young single female who had suffered truly terrible treatment in her home country of Somalia. Refused asylum on an initial application, she submitted a second claim based on previously unavailable evidence. This claim, once considered, was highly likely to result in a grant of leave to remain in the UK. Read more...
An estimated 45,000 will be entitled to work in the UK as a result of the Supreme Court ruling in “ZO” – in a case brought by Duncan Lewis solicitors.
Delays in the time it takes for the UK Border Agency (UKBA) to process asylum claims causes hardship to thousands. These hardships were exacerbated by the inability to find lawful work during the time spent waiting for a decision.
Duncan Lewis Charity and Social Committee joined forces to hold the first Duncan Lewis sports day/picnic. Overall over £500 was raised for Young Minds. Read more...
Duncan Lewis’ Immigration Department is set to expand across all six of their offices. More than 120 immigration solicitors, trainees and caseworkers make up the current Duncan Lewis immigration team to cover three of their offices; Hackney, Harrow and Shepherds Bush. Read more...
Duncan Lewis’ ever growing Crime department is set to expand further. The Legal Services Commission (LSC) has awarded a Crime contract for their office in Shepherd Bush. Read more...
Duncan Lewis’ Family Department is set to expand the provision of its service further, having been awarded a Family Mediation contract, due to start in October 2010. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Ladies run 5 Km for the Race for life in Richmond Park. They raised almost £1,000 for Cancer Research. Read more...
Duncan Lewis sympathises with the unfortunate circumstances in which the RMJ have found themselves Read more...
Duncan Lewis sent out a team of 23 to cycle 54 miles from London to Brighton on June 20th 2010. The race started at Clapham Common and the team were full of energy and raring to go. The team included Duncan Lewis’ CEO, Shany Gupta, and Practice director Adam Makepeace. Read more...
If you’ve had an accident, you may be due compensation. Injuries may occur as a result of accidents such as on the road, or when visiting someone at their home or place or work. Our new Personal Injury Department may be able to get you compensation.
Who says hard work and determination don’t pay off? Naim and colleagues attended the Society of Asian Lawyers 15th Annual Ball at the Mariott Grosvenor Square. The night was well attended and an enjoyable night was had by all. Naim who joined the firm in 2003 qualified as a solicitor in June 2006 was presented with the award for Young Lawyer of the Year 2010 by the Vice President of the Law Society of England and Wales, Linda Lee, and the Chairman of the Society of Asian Lawyers, Sundeep Bhatia. He is currently a Partner and Joint Head of the Public Law department, based at the Hackney office. Read more...
Andrea Spyrou of Duncan Lewis has been shortlisted for the 2010 Mental Health Lawyer of the Year award.
In total the bake off successfully fed the hungry herds of Duncan Lewis and managed to raise £1,440.70 for FRU. Read more...
Phuong qualified as a solicitor in December 2000 and has specialised in all areas of family law since, including divorce, financial disputes, cohabitation, S14 TOLATA and all private law children matters, contact, residence. Read more...
Stacey qualified as a Solicitor in 2004 and joined Duncan Lewis in April 2010 specialising in Criminal Law.
She has gained Police Station Advisor Accreditation as well as the Magistrates Court Duty Accreditation and joins Duncan Lewis as a Qualified Duty Solicitor.
Duncan Lewis is proud to be able to deliver a high standard of legal advice across a wide range of areas whilst conducting its business in a socially responsible manner. Our day to day practice highlights to us the growing severity of the unmet legal needs of the disadvantaged in the communities we serve, and we are responding to it. Read more...
Melita joined Duncan Lewis Solicitors in March 2010. She is a senior Child Care Solicitor based at the New Cross Gate office.
Richard House is a purpose built children^s hospice in east London. It was registered as a charity in 1996 and was London’s first Children’s Hospice. On the 24th February 2010 Ilana Hutton and Jitender Birah attended Richard House Hospice and met with Alex and Ali and proudly presented them with a cheque for the sum of £1,470.00 on behalf of Duncan Lewis. Read more...
Siobhan joined Duncan Lewis in January 2010 and is a Criminal Solicitor based at the Clapham Junction office. Read more...
The Launch Party saw a large turnout of Duncan Lewis staff, who also brought along with them very generous donations and together we raised £1,954 for the Haiti victims of the earthquake through Unicef which included our CEO, Shany Gupta donating the equivalent of whatever was raised. Read more...
Georgina qualified as a Solicitor in 2004 and joined Duncan Lewis in January 2010, specialising in Family Law. She is a member of the Law Society Family Law Accreditation Panel. Read more...