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In The Press News

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Lake owner who put up sign banning Polish and 'Eastern bloc' fishermen from using the site removes it after his family received threats (Daily Mail) (24 December 2017)

The owner of the fishery who placed a sign banning ‘Polish or Eastern Bloc Fishermen’ from using his lake has removed the sign following threats.Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Why are British Muslim marriages unprotected by law? (Al Jazeera News) (24 December 2017)

In discussing the topic of religious-only marriages and the lack of legal protection when those marriages are unregistered under UK law, the Al Jaz  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

At 11th hour, Laghman resident allowed to stay in UK (Pajhwok Afghan News) (24 December 2017)

The Home Office have deferred the removal of an Afghan asylum seeker, client of Jamie Bell, Public Law and Immigration Solicitor at Duncan Lewis.Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

UK to deport Afghan torture survivor on Christmas Day (The Guardian) (23 December 2017)

An Afghan asylum seeker who fled torture has been threatened with removal by the Home Office, due to take place on Christmas day. Jamie Bell, P  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

I'm detained, and it’s killing me (The Law Society) (6 December 2017)

Ahmed Aydeed, Director of Public Law at Duncan Lewis’ Birmingham office, writes for The Law Society on immigration detention and its impact on the  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Asylum seekers face appeals 'lottery' (BBC) (29 November 2017)

The BBC looks at the results of the survey conducted by the Victoria Derbyshire show, which reveals the percentage of appeals allowed in different   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Aina Khan features in Channel 4 documentary “The Truth About Muslim Marriage” (23 November 2017)

Duncan Lewis Islamic Law specialist, Aina Khan, features in “The Truth About Muslim Marriage,” a Channel 4 documentary which investigates British M  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Aina Khan speaks on BBC’s Woman’s Hour (23 November 2017)

Duncan Lewis’ Islamic Law specialist, Aina Khan , speaks on Woman’s Hour at the BBC about the concerns that 90% of under 40s’ Nikah marriages are   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Aina Khan discusses campaign “Register our Marriage” to change UK Law to include all faith marriages (Guardian, Independent, Daily Mail) (22 November 2017)

Duncan Lewis’ Islamic Law specialist, Aina Khan, is featured in a number of publications discussing the problems many British Muslim women face wh  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Brook House asylum seekers in legal fight over lock-in procedures (The Guardian) (20 November 2017)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors represent five claimants in their challenge to the “lock in” procedures used by the G4S run immigration centre Brook  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Cuts have put many elderly and disabled people beyond the reach of our legal aid (The Guardian) (13 November 2017)

In the Public Leaders Network feature in The Guardian, Jemma Garside , Community Care Director, discusses cuts to legal aid and how it has affecte  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Prosecutions for telling the truth: part deux, with added Hardial Singh (Free Movement) (7 November 2017)

James Packer , Director of Public Law at Duncan Lewis, features in Free Movement discussing the decision to dismiss the appeal made in the case of  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Driving Test Evolution (Asian Voice) (30 October 2017)

Neil Sargeant, Motor Law specialist at Duncan Lewis, talks in Asian Voice about the impending changes to driving tests, which will come into place   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Pound coin chaos as parking machines and shops fail to meet Royal Mint deadline (Telegraph) (20 October 2017)

Neil Sargeant, Motor law specialist at Duncan Lewis, discusses the legal ramifications drivers face as a result of being unable to pay for parking   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Torture victims were wrongly imprisoned in UK, high court rules (Guardian) (11 October 2017)

The Public Law and Immigration teams at Duncan Lewis challenged the Home Office’s definition of torture which has unlawfully detained victims of to  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Immigration detainee allegedly choked by G4S guard demands public inquiry (Guardian) (25 September 2017)

A Brook House immigration detainee and client of Harrow’s public law team at Duncan Lewis, has launched legal action against the Home Office after   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Employment tribunal classes bicycle courier as a ‘worker’ in latest decision on “gig economy” employment rights (Asian Voice) (12 September 2017)

Anthony Thompson writes for Asian Voice on an employment rights case in which “gig economy” former employee of Addison Lee, Chris Gascoigne, petiti  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Judge condemns Amber Rudd for ignoring orders to release torture victim (Guardian) (25 August 2017)

A client of Duncan Lewis has been held in detention despite an immigration tribunal and the high court ruling that he should be released. The gover  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Tariff expired! Call for judicial review to address discrimination against tariff expired Irish indeterminate foreign national prisoners (Inside Time) (25 August 2017)

Maeve Thornton was published in inside time arguing that the current TERS system needs to be amended to give Irish Indeterminate Foreign National   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Married or co-habiting? Understanding your rights (Asian Voice) (8 August 2017)

Paul Nuttall wrote an article for Asian Voice commenting on the common misconception that couples who live together, but are not formally married,   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Bespoke Law Services increasing access to justice for autistic clients (Solicitors Journal) (4 August 2017)

A number of clinics have been popping up across of the UK designed to provide access to legal advice to those suffering from autism. Staff at these  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Bespoke Law Services increasing access to justice for autistic clients (Solicitors Journal) (4 August 2017)

A number of clinics have been popping up across of the UK designed to provide access to legal advice to those suffering from autism. Staff at these  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Yarl’s Wood: Home Office locked up woman in ‘freezing’ punishment room for 28 hours in breach of law (Independent) (3 August 2017)

Duncan Lewis’s client, a Kenyan asylum seeker who is seeking asylum on the basis of her sexuality after a history of torture at home, was locked up  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Home Office breached woman’s human rights in Yarl’s Wood ‘punishment room’ (Guardian) (3 August 2017)

The High Court has found that the Home Office was in breach of the Human Rights act after placing Duncan Lewis’s client in segregation for over 24   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Housing Disrepair: How to take action (Asian Voice) (19 July 2017)

Dalia wrote an article for Asian Voice this week detailing the issu  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Jamie Bell’s ‘Eight Months On, A Reflection On The Calais Jungle’ (Huffinton Post) (17 July 2017)

Jamie Bell was recently featured on the front page of the Huffington Post website, for his blog “Eight Months On, A Reflection On The Calais Jungl  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Alex Peebles comments on criminal charges and the Grenfell investigation (Financial Times) (12 July 2017)

Investigations into the Grenfell Tower fire in West London will be led by a public inquiry and a police probe. With the death toll currently at 80,  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Vinita Templeton on BBC 3 (12 July 2017)

One of Vinita’s cases was featured on BBC3 documentary “Don’t Deport Me, I’m British” It is an emotionally charged documentary following the storie  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Gabor Nagy and Channel 4’s ‘Dispatches’ (12 July 2017)

Gabor Nagy recently assisted Channel 4 for an episode of their awar  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Tom Clark interviewed by Blick about Boris Becker’s Bankruptcy and what it means (12 July 2017)

Civil Litigation’s Tom Clark was recently interviewed by Swiss Newspaper Blick about the bankruptcy of Boris Becker and Becker’s legal rights. Tom   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Manjinder Kaur Atwal interviewed on RT (12 July 2017)

Manjinder, of Harrow’s Housing Department, was interviewed by 

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis’ Summer Party and Networking Event featured in Asian Voice (12 July 2017)

Duncan Lewis’ successful summer party was featured on Asian Voice’s website. Duncan Lewis Solicitors hosted a successful and enjoyable Summer Party  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Immigration detainees are challenging the Home Office’s £1 an hour wages (Guardian) (12 July 2017)

Immigration detainees are currently exempt from the UK’s minimum wage legislation, but ten detainees, with the help of Duncan Lewis Solicitors, hav  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Jamie Bell comments on the leaked footage of an Afghan asylum seeker being forcibly removed and slapped and punched by immigration officials (Middle Eastern Eye) (26 June 2017)

Whilst on a Turkish Airlines flight passengers witnessed an asylum seeker from Afghanistan being slapped by immigration officials who were removing  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

"Locked in Limbo" (European Network on Statelessness) (2 June 2017)

“The waiting is the worst part of detention. It’s like you don’t have any control any more, you just sit and wait. You wait for someone else to tel  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

The way asylum seekers are treated in the UK is a silent scandal (Guardian) (31 May 2017)

As part of the Guardian series 'public servant: my letter to the public', Patrick Page wrote a letter in response to the outcry from a Home Office  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Vaginal Mesh Implants: Duncan Lewis Solicitors represent a victim of vaginal mesh implant (Asian Voice) (31 May 2017)

Divya Anand appeared in Asian Voice this month discussing the legal action being taken against the NHS and manufacturers of vaginal mesh implants b  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Muslims demand end to instant divorce (The Times) (17 May 2017)

Aina Khan was quoted in the Times this weekend over the push within the British Muslim community to end marriage and divorce practices that are ha  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Home Office using outdated guidance to deport Albania asylum seekers (Guardian) (11 May 2017)

Leading up to October 2011 courts relied on expert evidence found in Country Guidance case MK (Lesbians) Albania CG [2009] UKAIT, to determine whet  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis sends team of Solicitors to ILPA Athens Legal Advice Project (3 May 2017)

The Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (IPLA) invited Duncan Lewis to join a group of solicitors and translators who were helping to improv  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis sends team of Solicitors to ILPA Athends Legal Advice Project (3 May 2017)

The Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (IPLA) invited Duncan Lewis to join a group of solicitors and translators who were helping to improv  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Jamie Bell and the Duncan Lewis Immigration Team comment on a G4S warning issued to asylum seekers (Independent) (25 April 2017)

A letter from G4S has been issued to asylum seekers warning that they “may be detained and deported away from the UK” if they demonstrate “unacceptabl  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis client, disabled asylum seeker Kelechi Chioba, to be sent to Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre (Independent) (21 April 2017)

Kelechi Chioba was beaten and abused by her family in Nigeria who believe she is a “curse”. The 36-year-old suffers from polio, mental health probl  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Ashwati Menon discusses waiting periods in A&E(Asian Voice) (11 April 2017)

Ashwati commented on the systematic problems facing the NHS and the chronic lack of hospital beds in England’s A&E departments. The issue of having  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Hannah Baynes quoted in RT regarding mistreatment of client (4 April 2017)

A disabled client of Duncan Lewis' Public Law Solicitor Hannah Baynes had her wheelchair taken of her by the immigration authorities whilst on he  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Sheroy Zaq interviewed by BBC Persia (4 April 2017)

Sheroy was interviewed live on BBC Persia discussing the viole  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Hannah Baynes comments on the treatment of disabled victim of trafficking (The Guardian) (30 March 2017)

Lovelyn Edobor was forced into a waist restraint belt and dragged “like a goat” by the Home Office and as they tried to remove her from the UK. The  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Removal of the Five Year Limit for Domestic Abuse Claims is a Victory for Victims (Asian Voice) (30 March 2017)

It was recently announced that the government will scrap time limits for obtaining written evidence of domestic abuse. There is also going to be an  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Toufique Hossain interviewed about the Calais children's case against the Home Office (Channel 4 News) (20 March 2017)

A number of the children from Calais represented by Duncan Lewis are taking the Home Office to the High Court on the basis that their conditions fo  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

MoD compensation plans shutting armed forces personnel and their families out of the Justice System (Asian Voice) (17 March 2017)

The MoD have proposed to stop ex combatants ability to pursue a civil case against management in cases of negligence on the battlefield under the p  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

MoD compensation plans shutting armed forces personnel and their families out of the Justice System (Asian Voice) (17 March 2017)

The MoD have proposed to stop ex combatants ability to pursue a civil case against management in cases of negligence on the battlefield under the p  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Aina Khan comments on the rise of sharia marriage councils in the UK and the worries of misogynistic practice (Guardian) (15 March 2017)

In the eyes of many in the Muslim community in order for a marriage to be dissolved it must be dissolved in the eyes of God. For many this means go  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Eleri Haf Davies forms part of a delegation sent by Colombia Caravana to report on the Human Rights crisis in Tumaco (14 March 2017)

Eleri joined a group of lawyers determined to unearth the interlocking socio-economic and political web that has allowed this part of the world to   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Syrian Refugees at risk of being sent back to countries where they have been abused (Guardian) (13 March 2017)

Under the Dublin agreement refuges and asylum seekers are required to seek asylum in the first EU countries they enter as they flee war, abuse and   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Housing Benefit Tenants are struggling to find Private Rented Accommodation (Asian Voice) (8 March 2017)

Increasing numbers of people are needing to claim housing benefit in order to make ends meet and cover their rent as the cost of rent continues to   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Raja Rajeswaran Uruthiravinayagan quoted defending client Shiromini Satkunarajah over removal from UK (BBC) (1 March 2017)

Shiromini and her mother, originally from Sri Lanka, fled the civil war with Shiromini's Father who has subsequently died. Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis’ client Shiromini Satkunarajah has deportation halted hours before she was due to leave the UK (Guardian). (1 March 2017)

Shiromini Satkunarajah, originally from Sri Lanka, has been in the UK since she was 12 and is currently on track to achieve a first in electrical e  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Government takes steps towards Personal Injury sector reform (Asian Voice) (11 February 2017)

In the 2015 Autumn Statement the Lord Chancellor announced the changes he planned to make to Personal Injury claims, which are now coming into forc  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Ahmed Aydeed is interviewed on the Calais cases legal challenge against The Home Office (BBC News/RT) (3 February 2017)

Ahmed Aydeed, Supervising Solicitor with Duncan Lewis Solicitors, was recently invited on various platforms to discuss the legal challenge launched  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

The High court rules more than 10,000 asylum seekers treated unfairly in Duncan Lewis Solicitors' legal challenge against the Home Office (Guardian) (26 January 2017)

More than 10,000 asylum seekers can ask to have their cases heard again after a high court ruling that they were treated unfairly, but many have al  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Calais Jungle child Samir, passes away at 17 after Home Office stall in providing proper decisions (Guardian) (19 January 2017)

Samir was one of the 1,900 children registered by the Home Office who sought sanctuary in the UK. Like hundreds of other youngsters still in France  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis Solicitors' Eleri Haf Davies discusses "Tumaco: Colombia's Forgotten Territory" (The Bill of Middlesex) (16 January 2017)

In August 2016, Duncan Lewis’ Public Law Trainee Eleri Haf Davies was invited to join the International Jurists Commission, Caravana Colombia, to u  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

High cost of living and low wages leaves those in 'in work poverty' struggling to make ends meet this holiday period (Asian Voice) (10 January 2017)

Asif Anwar, a Trainee Solicitor working in the Housing Department for Duncan Lewis Solicitors, features in Asian Voice this month discussing the 1  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis Solicitors' Immigration Public Law team are featured on a range of platforms concerning their Calais cases (Various Sources) (5 January 2017)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors' Immigration Public Law team features on a range of platforms concerning their Calais cases and regarding the Home Office’s  Read more...

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