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In The Press News

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

CroydonAdvertiser (18 December 2015)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors^ Pyjama Party day was featured in the Croydon Advertiser. The pyjama party event raised money for the Brain Tumour Unit  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

LegalCheek (7 December 2015)

Following Duncan Lewis being awarded the LawWorks Best Contribution by a Firm with a London Head Office 2015 award at the LawWorks Pro Bono Awards cer  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

FMB René González Sehwerert (1 December 2015)

Public Law Director James Packer authored this article featured in the  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

FMB: René González Sehwerert (1 December 2015)

Public Law Director James Packer authored this article featured in the  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

MorningStar (11 November 2015)

Duncan Lewis represented René González Sehwerert in the reported case which was c  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

GuardianAylumSeekersDeportation (16 October 2015)

Duncan Lewis Public Law Director Toufique Hossain was mentioned in The Guardian on the 16th October 2015 in an article regarding the Home Offic  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

DLindependentYarlsWood (12 October 2015)

“A torture victim who was unlawfully detained after she sought safety in the UK has told how her arrest and confinement by British authorities caused   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Solicitors Journal Oct (8 October 2015)

Duncan Lewis was featured in the Solicitors Journal as one of the six law firms who launched the Cardiff Court Family Free Advice Clinic.

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

MuslimMamasAinaKhan (1 October 2015)

Muslim Mamas ?is a private ^invite only^ online support group for Muslim mothers with over 7,000 members worldwide. Aina Khan spoke to Musli  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Seekerhub (21 September 2015)

Head of Duncan Lewis’ Islamic Law department Aina Khan was quoted in the SeekersHub article “Unregistered Marriages: A Muslim Concern”. The article di  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Aina Khan Seekers Hub (21 September 2015)

Head of Duncan Lewis’ Islamic Law department Aina Khan was quoted in the SeekersHub article “Unregistered Marriages: A Muslim Concern”. The article di  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Theresa May loses court battles against two failed asylum seekers (15 September 2015)

Duncan Lewis featured in The Guardian on the 15th September 2015. Duncan Lewis Public Law Solicitor Krisha Prathepan was involved with the cas  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

FreemovmentSept (9 September 2015)

Duncan Lewis Public law Director James Packer’s article features in the Freemovement blog on the 8th September 2015.

“As practition 

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

InsideTimeAbigail (8 September 2015)

Duncan Lewis Crime Solicitor Abigail Fogg’s article was featured in Inside Time on 1st September 2015. Abigail’s article discusses the recent changes   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Vice News (1 September 2015)

Lewis Kett, in the Immigration Public Law department recently discussed in Vice News the matter of Duncan Lewis being granted permission to app  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Afghan asylum seekers deported (27 August 2015)

Duncan Lewis were featured in The Guardian on the 26th August 2015 regarding the firm’s case involving the deportation of Afghan asylum seekers  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

The Guardian Afghan asylum seekers (26 August 2015)

Duncan Lewis featured in The Guardian on the 26th August 2015 regarding the firm’s case involving the deportation of Afghan asylum seekers via   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

The Independent Afghan asylum seekers (26 August 2015)

Duncan Lewis featured in The Independent on the 25th August 2015 regarding the firm’s case involving the deportation of Afghan asylum seekers v  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

The Independent: Afghan asylum seekers (26 August 2015)

Duncan Lewis featured in The Independent on the 25th August 2015 regarding the firm’s case involving the deportation of Afghan asylum seekers v  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

The Guardian Asylum seekers fight deportation to Afghanistan (25 August 2015)

Duncan Lewis were featured in The Guardian on the 24th August 2015 regarding the firm’s case involving the deportation of Afghan asylum seekers  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Home Office presses ahead with Afghan deportations as country unravels (24 August 2015)

Duncan Lewis^ case involving the deportation of Afghan asylum seekers was featured in Politics.co.uk;

"As things stand, a charter flight depo 

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

TUROM (10 August 2015)

Aina Khan speaks to The Upcoming about her campaign for maritial justice: the Register our Marriage (ROM) roadshow.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

IBTAnthonyOkhuma (16 July 2015)

Duncan Lewis Director Anthony Okhuma was featured in the International Business Times discussing the “rent crisis” in London and the rights of live-in  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

AinaTelegraph (10 July 2015)

Head of the Duncan Lewis Islamic Law department was featured in The Telegraph on 3rd July 2015 discussing Sharia marriages and the issue of polygamy.<  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

AinaTele (3 July 2015)

Head of the Duncan Lewis Islamic Law department was featured in The Telegraph on 3rd July 2015 discussing the issue of polygamy and Sharia marr  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

ToufiqueGuardian (3 July 2015)

Public Law Director Toufique Hossain featured in The Guardian commenting on the Duncan Lewis case whereby Four asylum seekers who fled rape and  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Aina Khan Bridging the Gap (29 April 2015)

Duncan Lewis Family and Islamic Law Solicitor Aina Khan featured in The Asians: Bridging the gap article Aina Khan, Campaigner For Legal Protection Of  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Crimeline - Criminal Judicial Review (29 April 2015)

James Packer, Public Law Director at Duncan Lewis, contributed the chapter on costs in Criminal Judicial Review. This has now been the subject of a fa  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Law Society Gazette - Consortium (22 April 2015)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors featured in the Law Society Gazette regarding the formation of a consortium with east London’s largest criminal defence firm S  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

politics.co.uk- afghanistan (16 April 2015)

Duncan Lewis featured in a Politics.co.uk article regarding the 19 Afghani refugees represented by the firm and the Home Office’s tabled charter fligh  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

FMB IMMDET (10 April 2015)

Duncan Lewis Public Law Director James Packer’s article on the important consequences of the judgement in Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

dlsolicitorsjournal (2 April 2015)

Following on from Duncan Lewis Practice Director Jason Bruce’s appearance on BBC Panorama’s “DIY Justice” the Solicitors Journal published an article  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis Law Society Gazette Legal Aid (31 March 2015)

Following on from Duncan Lewis Practice Director Jason Bruce’s appearance on BBC Panorama’s “DIY Justice” the Law Society Gazette ran an article cover  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Harrowtimes (30 March 2015)

The Harrow Times newspaper reported on Duncan Lewis Solicitors featuring on the BBC Panorama programme: “DIY Justice” on the 30th March 2015 pr  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

The London Advocate Criminal Judicial Review Book Review (18 March 2015)

James Packer, Public Law Director at Duncan Lewis, contributed the chapter on costs in ‘Criminal Judicial Review’ (PDF below). This has now been the s  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Daily Mail Aina Khan (9 March 2015)

Aina Khan of Duncan Lewis Solicitors commented in the Daily Mail;

"It’s hypocrisy to accept English law and then use sharia law when it suits  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

DLHarrowTimes (13 February 2015)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors were featured in the Harrow Times on 13/02/2015;

“A team of lawyers are stocking up on oily fish and bananas i  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

HackneyGazette (7 January 2015)

Duncan Lewis Public Law Solicitor Kat Hacker featured in the Hackney Gazette.

“A Dalston human rights lawyer is backing a cold-weather appeal  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Independent 06-01-15 (5 January 2015)

A client of Duncan Lewis Solicitors featured in the front-page leading feature in The Independent.

“The Home Office has been accused of locki 

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Duncan Lewis is the trading name of Duncan Lewis (Solicitors) Limited. Registered Office is 143-149 Fenchurch St, London, EC3M 6BL. Company Reg. No. 3718422. VAT Reg. No. 718729013. A list of the company's Directors is displayed at the registered offices address. Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority . Offices all across London and in major cities in the UK. ©Duncan Lewis >>Legal Disclaimer, Copyright & Privacy Policy. Duncan Lewis do not accept service by email.