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In The Press News

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Kind-hearted refugee ‘can’t thank solicitor enough’ after winning leave to remain, the Guardian reports (6 December 2022)

Heroic refugee who brought his badly injured niece to the UK for treatment has been granted leave to remain after six years thanks to his Duncan Le  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Hairdressing training provider enlists Duncan Lewis to fight ‘inadequate’ Ofsted ruling (Herts Mercury) (24 November 2022)

A Hemel Hempstead hairdresser-training centre which Ofsted graded “Inadequate” has enlisted Duncan Lewis Solicitors to challenge the decision, repo  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Hairdressing apprenticeship provider challenges damning Ofsted ruling (FE Week) (8 November 2022)

A long-running hairdressing apprenticeship provider has enlisted Duncan Lewis Solicitors to challenge a damaging Ofsted grade. UK Training &  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis representing charity and asylum seeker in Manston centre challenge (4 November 2022)

Duncan Lewis’ has taken the first steps in challenging the conditions of detainees at the controversial Manston centre on behalf of a charity and a  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Home Secretary showing “total disregard for the rule of law” at migrant processing centre, Duncan Lewis' Toufique Hossain tells the Guardian (31 October 2022)

The Home Office has come under fire for breaching humane conditions at a migrant processing centre in Kent. Officials have already admitted   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

GPS tagging should be abolished says report, as Duncan Lewis legal challenges continue (The Guardian) (31 October 2022)

A report into the practice of electronically tagging people on immigration bail says the practice amounts to ‘psychological torture’. Every   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Appellants wanting to rely upon witness evidence by video from abroad face ominous news (Free Movement) (19 October 2022)

That a tribunal concerned with immigration matters should receive applications for witnesses to be permitted to give evidence from abroad by video   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Single Father’s Right to Work Limbo Prompts Home Office Policy Review (Free Movement) (13 October 2022)

A Home Office decision to review its policy Fee waiver: Human Rights-based and other specified applications following a judicial review by Duncan L  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Ahmed Aydeed raises child safeguarding concerns about Immigration Enforcement Scheme with the Guardian (4 October 2022)

Duncan Lewis’ immigration specialist Ahmed Aydeed raises serious concerns over Operation Innerste’s handling of vulnerable children arriving in the  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Government U-turn on Albanian Asylum Seekers a “Victory for Decency” (The Guardian) (28 September 2022)

The Government has conceded that a heavily touted removal scheme designed to deport Albanians arriving in the UK back to Albania will not affect as  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Ruling on recusal case led by Ivan Dimitrov featured in the Times (1 August 2022)

A case instructed by Ivan Dimitrov sheds light on the issue of when a judge should raise the fact they were considering referring counsel to the Ba  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Cruel Home Office tagging policy ‘unworkable,’ trainee solicitor Jonah Mendelsohn tells The Independent (July 12) (18 July 2022)

Most asylum seekers being threatened with removal to Rwanda are not being tagged on release from detention despite the Home Office piloting a polic  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Yorkshire villagers furious at secret migrant detention plan (Observer) (3 May 2022)

Villagers are concerned about a proposed immigration facility in North Yorkshire they suspect is to be secretly used as a detention centre, the Observ  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Channel “pushbacks” policy abandoned (Free Movement) (28 April 2022)

The controversial “pushback” proposal to return migrant boats in the English Channel to France has been quietly dropped by the Home Office ahead of a   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Courts condemn Home Office and CPS in two separate trafficking cases (The Guardian) (18 March 2022)

The original case against the Home Office was brought by Duncan Lewis Solicitors on behalf of a 33-year-old Vietnamese woman, who was a victim of sex   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Victim of brutal domestic abuse loses appeal against deprivation of British citizenship (Free Movement) (10 March 2022)

A barbarically treated woman has lost her appeal against a decision to remove her British citizenship, despite a panel recognising the trauma she suff  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Home Office faces legal action over claims women at risk of deportation being refused in-person legal advice (The Justice Gap) (25 February 2022)

The Home Office is facing the prospect of a judicial review after the campaign group Women for Refugee Women (WRW) found that detainees at Derwentside  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Home Office tells Afghan and Yemeni asylum seekers they can return safely (The Guardian) (13 January 2022)

Duncan Lewis is representing a 21-year-old Afghan refugee who was told it is safe for him to return, despite more than 600,000 people fleeing the Tali  Read more...

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