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Legal 500 Firm Duncan Lewis continues to champion Law Society Lexcel standards (22 December 2011)

Since its first Lexcel accreditation in 1999, Duncan Lewis & Co continues to champion Lexcel having successfully passed its recent annual monitoring visit in November 2011.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Legal 500 Firm Duncan Lewis & Co welcomes its Employment Private Client Team to Harrow (6 December 2011)

Duncan Lewis’ successful Employment Department Private Client Team moves to Harrow-on-the-Hill. If you require advice and/or assistance then visit us our Employment Department on our website at www.duncanlewis.co.uk  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Duncan Lewis’ Practice Manager, Jason Bruce is Guest Speaker at Law Society Immigration Conference 2011 (17 November 2011)

Legal 500 Firm Duncan Lewis’ Practice Manager, Jason Bruce’s speech at the Law Society Immigration Conference 2011: A common approach for challenging times, was deemed a huge success, a highly encouraging speech on how Legal Aid firms can both survive the recent Civil Legal Aid cuts of 10%, and also prosper.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Excellent Reviews for David Head and Louise Taft’s popular talk on Employment Law: Redundancy for Law Works (28 October 2011)

David Head and Louise Taft, senior Employment Solicitors with Duncan Lewis and leading members of the firm’s Pro Bono Committee, had given a talk on Redundancy back in May 2011 that was so popular Law Works asked them to come back and deliver another session and received excellent reviews.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Duncan Lewis listed in the Legal 500 2011 Directory (27 September 2011)

Duncan Lewis has been listed in the 2011 Legal 500 in four categories. The firm was listed as a Legal 500 law firm for Family in the 2010 Legal 500 and have now managed to show their strengths by being listed in 3 other sections of the Legal 500.

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Rise within the ranks sees new Practice Manager at Duncan Lewis (5 September 2011)

The Board of Director at Duncan Lewis has great pleasure in announcing the appointment a new Practice Manager

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Ex-Partner and Solicitor’s return to Duncan Lewis (5 September 2011)

With over 400 employees, Duncan Lewis expects some level of staff turnover. It is reassuring to know that Duncan Lewis are doing something right as we are proud to welcome back former Duncan Lewis employees back to the firm.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Carousel fraud or MTIC (31 August 2011)

Duncan Lewis donated £1,000 to the chosen charity, Refugee Youth Project to assist them in the fantastic work that they do.  Read more...

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Immigration Accreditation (17 August 2011)

Duncan Lewis are pleased to announce and congratulate the following individuals for achieving their Level 2, Immigration Accreditation  Read more...

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Duncan Lewis summer intake totals 23 Trainee Solicitors (11 July 2011)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors are proud to announce the appointment of an additional 23 trainee solicitors in its recent summer intake.   Read more...

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Duncan Lewis awarded Disability Symbol User Accreditation for another 12 months (27 June 2011)

Duncan Lewis is pleased to announce the outcome of our most recent annual audit by the Job Centre Plus has resulted in the the firm being awarded the Disability Symbol accreditation for a further 12 months.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Duncan Lewis raise almost £2,000 for Cancer Research in Race for Life (26 June 2011)

Duncan Lewis raise almost £2,000 for Cancer Research with a team of ladies running in the Race for Life at Hyde Park in rainy conditons.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Duncan Lewis raise over £4,000 for the Brisith Heart Foundation (19 June 2011)

Duncan Lewis had a team of over 20 riders for the second year running to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation. They beat last yeays fundraising effort and managed to raise over £4,000 for the chairty.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Duncan Lewis opens new office in South West London (13 June 2011)

Duncan Lewis has opened a new office in Tooting Broadway on Monday 13th June 2011. Duncan Lewis has relocated from their office in Clapham Junction (which is due to be redeveloped) to Tooting to maintain the firms presence in the South West of London.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Mental Health Solicitor at Duncan Lewis shortlisted for LALY Mental Health Award (25 May 2011)

Kate Luscombe of Duncan Lewis has been shortlisted for the 2011 LALY Mental Health Lawyer of the Year award.


Duncan Lewis:Main

Duncan Lewis raise £750 for London Legal Support Trust (16 May 2011)

The walk was led by the Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls and the Attorney General. Duncan Lewis raised £750 for the London Legal Support Trust  Read more...

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Duncan Lewis donate £750 to the Laila Salehzehi Charitable Foundation (2 May 2011)

The Laila Salehzehi Charitable Foundation (LSCF) was set up in 2008 by the family and friends of the late Laila Salehzehi. Duncan Lewis donated £750 to the LSCF.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Main

Duncan Lewis Congratulates Immigration team for Achieving Level 2 Immigration Accreditation (12 April 2011)

Duncan Lewis has an extensive team of immigration workers, consisting of immigration solicitors and specialists to provide help in a variety of different languages.

Duncan Lewis congratulates members of the immigration team for their efforts and hard work to achieve their Level 2 IAAS accreditation.  Read more...

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Duncan Lewis dress down day raises over £1,500 for the Japan Earthquake/Pacific Tsunami (8 April 2011)

Duncan Lewis holds dress down days regularly to raise money for charity. This month Duncan Lewis Charity Committee chose to raise money for the victims of the Japan Earthquake.  Read more...

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Duncan Lewis Press Release: Court of Appeal to reconsider the principles applicable to awarding costs in the Administrative Court (21 March 2011)

Duncan Lewis were today granted permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal against decisions refusing to award costs to the Claimants in the High Court in a test case.

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Duncan Lewis Bake off raises money for Spinal Charity (11 March 2011)

Duncan Lewis Bake off raises over £200 and a further £1,000 was donated by Duncan Lewis^ charity committee.  Read more...

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Kate Luscombe represents AH in the case of AH v WLMHT to achieve landmark ruling (9 March 2011)

A patient in Broadmoor Hospital who has spent more than two decades alongside some of Britain^s most dangerous criminals has won the right to have a review into his detention heard in public.

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Duncan Lewis donates £1,000 to the Shaw Trust (25 February 2011)

The Shaw Trust is an organisation that helps those who are at a social disadvantage to obtain full time employment. Duncan Lewis supported this charity by making a donation of £1,000.

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Rhea Edes attains her Mental Health Panel Membership (15 February 2011)

Rhea Edes has just attained her Mental Health Panel Membership. Rhea undertook her training contract at Duncan Lewis and qualified as a solicitor in May 2008.   Read more...

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Duncan Lewis raises £3,000 for Redbridge Single Homelessness Project at Annual Office Party (14 February 2011)

Duncan Lewis held their annual office party at the Queens Tower Room at Imperial College London. The firm hosted the event for 300 guests who enjoyed a champagne filled reception and a three course sit down dinner and dance.

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Success in the ECtHR (2 February 2011)

Duncan Lewis’s application to the European Court of Human Rights for an injunction preventing the removal of our client ‘VG’ to Jamaica has today been granted.  Read more...

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Duncan Lewis is the trading name of Duncan Lewis (Solicitors) Limited. Registered Office is 143-149 Fenchurch St, London, EC3M 6BL. Company Reg. No. 3718422. VAT Reg. No. 718729013. A list of the company's Directors is displayed at the registered offices address. Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority . Offices all across London and in major cities in the UK. ©Duncan Lewis >>Legal Disclaimer, Copyright & Privacy Policy. Duncan Lewis do not accept service by email.