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In The Press News

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Lawyers slam chaotic asylum unit (30 September 2011)

The UK^s system for registering asylum claims is chaotic and unworkable and urgently needs a root-and-branch overhaul, lawyers^s groups allege  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Asylum seekers prevented from lodging (30 September 2011)

Law Society claims Asylum Screening Unit are preventing
claimants lodging claims unless lawyers threaten legal action 

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Broadmoor patient becomes first to have his appeal heard in public (25 September 2011)

Albert Haines, who has been held under compulsion for 25 years, insists he is not mentally ill or dangerous  Read more...

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Leading article - An important precedent in a secretive world (23 September 2011)

The question this campaign raises is whether people with mental health problems should be afforded the same transparent system of justice as everyone   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Broadmoor patient fighting for right to tell his story (23 September 2011)

Albert Haines has been waiting a long time to tell his story. For the best part of 25 years he has been detained in secure facilities under the Mental  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis Press Release Bhata (26 July 2011)

The Court of Appeal has today handed down a judgement in the case of Bhata that overturns the practice that had built up in the Administrative Court   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Djanogly reveals lawyers' pay from legal aid (20 June 2011)

The justice minister Jonathan Djanogly has provided details of the barristers and law firms paid the most from legal aid over the last year, ahead of   Read more...

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Crunch time - The Sound off for Justice Campaign has failed, writes Adam Makepeace (7 June 2011)

With the Ministry of Justice about to announce its response to the consultation on the proposals for reforming legal aid, many of us are wondering whe  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Legal Aid Awards-Finalists (20 May 2011)

LALY Awards 2011 shortlist revealed. Duncan Lewis Mental Health Lawyer Kate Lusacombe is shortlisted for Mental Health Lawyer of the Year. The winne  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Comment - The Immigration Balancing Act by Vicash Ramkissoon for politics.co.uk (4 April 2011)

The government risks a ^brain drain^ by closing immigration routes for highly skilled workers.


Duncan Lewis:InThePress

Duncan Lewis granted permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal against decisions refusing to award costs to the Claimants in the High Court in a test case (21 March 2011)

Duncan Lewis were today granted permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal against decisions refusing to award costs to the Claimants in the High Cou  Read more...

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Ruling will shine a light on mental health system_Kate Luscombe_AHvWLMHT_The Independent (9 March 2011)

The Upper Tribunal took a landmark decision by ordering that the First-tier Mental Health Tribunal hold a public hearing of AH^s application for disch  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

broadmoorpatient makes history with court appeal (9 March 2011)

Man locked up for 23 years to have detention case heard in public. Article by
By Jerome Taylor, The Independent

A patient in Broadmoor  

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

A Triple Whammy that could Decimate the Legal Aid Sector (15 February 2011)

At the other end of the legal aid sector,
Adam Makepeace, practice director at
Duncan Lewis, argues that the government’s
love affair with 

Duncan Lewis:InThePress

prominent legal figures give their predictions 2011 (7 January 2011)

Adam Makepeace, whose firm handles legal aid cases, thinks that estimates of the reduction in the number of practising lawyers are ‘conservative’. Thi  Read more...

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