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Consultancy Jobs
Consultancy with Duncan Lewis allows lawyers the flexibility to have a better work life balance and the ability to essentially be their own boss. We believe that lawyers should be left to do what they do best without the burden of running a business. We offer consultancy opportunities in a significant number of our areas of practice and we currently work with approximately 100 consultants nationwide.
The firm’s consultancy model allows lawyers the freedom to develop their own professional network, to have control over the mix of work undertaken and the luxury to choose their own hours. Benefiting from the company’s paperless environment, our remote working procedures and full access to our online Case Management System which maintains client electronic files, lawyers are also granted the ability to work from home and meet with their clients at any of our offices across the country.
Recognised by The Legal 500 Legal Directory has a leading law firm, we are justly proud of the fact that we are the largest provider of publicly funded (legal aid) services in the UK and the holder of many recognised standards of excellence. We are headquartered in the City of London and with over 500 staff we assist both privately and publicly funded clients in over 25 areas of law.
Consultants that work with us are fully supported. Our bespoke processes have evolved over 20 years of practice; we provide Marketing and PR guidance and our in-house Administration, Costing, Billing, Accounting, IT and Risk & Compliance teams are readily available for support. We have considerable experience in management and operation of back office services and our IT systems are at the forefront of the industry.