Gemma McCluskie’s brother Tony McCluskie has been found guilty of her murder and was told that he would serve at least 20 years in jail. He was found guilty by an 11-1 majority and given a life sentence.
The 36 year old, brother of former EastEnderes actress had admitted manslaughter at the Old Bailey but denied he murdered her.
The Property search provider Searchflow has warned conveyancers to carry out more flood searches to avoid accusations of negligence with parts of country facing threats of flooding due to melting snow. Read more...
In an extraordinary move the chairs of five parliamentary committees of MPs and Peers have written to David Cameron to demand that overseas students be delisted from the net migration target to lower UK immigration down to “tens of thousands” Read more...
AN illegal immigrant who stole nearly £20,000 in cash and Asian jewellery from a Coventry home has been jailed.
Joanna Sanchez a Colombian national faces deportation on her release after she completes her 12 month jail term sentenced at the Leamington Crown Court.
Luigi Belcoure, 43 who had a cartilage problem in his left knee causing him chronic pain and difficulty to carry his daughters agreed to stand for a stem cells clinical trial test a new technique to re-grow healthy tissue in October 2009. Read more...
The chairperson of the Bar Council Maura McGowan QC has warned that slashing of legal aid services would mean poor defendants would be condemned to be represented by ‘next choice’ lawyers in criminal cases. Read more...
A nurse who had been treating prisoners in Redditch’s Hewell prison, filed a claim for compensation for constructive unfair dismissal after complaining that she was the victim of a witch hunt, but lost her case at the Birmingham Employment Tribunal. Read more...
Lawyers have warned that recession and its effects has seen number of challenges increasing three folds in contesting wills over money being left to pets and animal charities.
A leading probate solicitor having expertise over contentious wills and probate says that she believes this threefold increase in challenging of wills is because of the economic climate.
A Royal Marine Robert Ayres, working as a trainee nurse at De Montfort University Hospital, in Leicester who was knocked down by a car causing grievous injuries while he had dropped his trousers in the middle of the road has won the right to millions in compensation.
The marine then aged 24, who had been out with his friends and in high spirits exposed himself in the middle of the road but his reprehensible behaviour was excused by the judge who ruled that though a very foolish act on the part of the marine 80% of the fault lied with the driver in causing the tragedy.
A high profile acrimonious divorce battle which was about to go to trial in the High Court and expecting to cost over £2m has been avoided after the parties struck a deal worth £17million.
The 7th Marquess of Northampton struck a deal with his soon to be ex-wife and spared them both a divorce trial and ending up as one of the most expensive legal battle in English legal history.
A mother of two Debbie Thomason, 35, is suing the NHS after she claimed that the doctors had misdiagnosed a spinal condition which left her disabled, when she sneezed.
She claims that she was suffering with a serious spinal condition ‘cauda equine’ syndrome which was mistook as some other back condition by the doctors and she suffered permanent damage.
A company, where one of their employees suffered life changing injuries when her hair and scarf got caught into the conveyor belt at a factory on Deeside in North Wales, has been told to pay a £60,000 fine.
Kelly Nield had to be hospitalised and stay in the hospital for three months due to injuries suffered by her.
A property developer Alan Beesley and wife Sarah who disguised their £500,000 luxury house as a hay barn to outwit planning chiefs will have to tear down their home after losing a long running legal battle.
Trying to stop the demolition orders of the local authorities at the court too failed.
In an employment claim by Stephen Levine the former general manager of Folkstone’s Leas Cliff Hall, the employment tribunal has ruled that Levine was subjected to unfair dismissal by the venue operator Ambassador Theatre Group (ATG) last year.
Levine was dismissed for gross misconduct in March 2012 following 17 years service. He was alleged to have failed to follow the health and safety policy and manage staff correctly.
Two businessmen, Achilleas Michaelis Kallakis (44) and Alexander Martin Williams (44), both from London were found guilty in £740 million property fraud have been remanded to custody and will be sentenced today and their assets would be confiscated.
The fraud had helped Kallakis to acquire a 16 property portfolio amounting to £740 million.
He was led away in handcuffs to start his six month prison term yesterday for not complying with the court orders in his divorce proceeding.
In earlier proceedings concerning Mr Young^s application for the return of his passport – Young v Young [2012] EWHC 138 (Fam) – Mr Justice Mostyn had said that the husband was grossly in contempt in relation to his maintenance obligations contempt in relation to his disclosure obligations which existed. The obligation to disclose lied with the husband and not with the wife the judge had said.
A forecast published on Thursday by think-tank Migration Watch has suggested that after December 31, 2013, when the current limits on movement from Bulgaria and Romania are lifted, UK immigration would see an influx of 2,50,000 migrants from these two countries in five years into Britain, causing flutter among the campaigners.
From 2014 like other EU citizens, Bulgarians and Romanians would get the unrestricted right to live and work in the UK where currently they are required to get authorisation before taking up a job.
A man who was convicted of benefit fraud after pleading guilty to 12 counts of fraud and had served for a year in the jail has been ordered to pay more than £80,000 or face another prison sentence.
Sohan Singh, 62, who had been sent to the jail for a year in January 2012, had dishonestly claimed housing, council tax benefit, incapacity benefit, and income support and pension credit in between 2000 and 2008.
Magistrates had declined to lock up Simon Maddison, who was caught behind the wheel of his car having downed a potentially deadly amount of booze.
The 45 year old was caught by the police when he drove along the Chillingham Road, in Heaton, Newcastle, in the early hours of the morning without headlights on.
Annandale registration office has been again targeted for sham marriages by illegal immigrants wanting to stay in the country.
The UK Border Agency officials raided at the Annan registration office and arrested a 25 year old Pakistani man as he was about to marry a Bulgarian woman of the same age.
A man who was tricked by his wife in believing that he was the father of children whom he raised until they were teenagers had won £25,000 in damages for “bereavement”.
Richard Rodwell sued his ex-wife Helen for deceit after finding out the children he thought were his son and daughter both had a different father.
A bogus Albanian asylum seeker who conned his way into a job as an intelligence officer has been jailed for 18 months in his absence.
Elidon Habilaj, 35, of Victoria Road, South Woodford, was sentenced in Snaresbrook Crown Court after being found guilty by a jury of fraudulently living in the UK.
The Legal Ombudsman (LeO) has announced that from February 1, 2013, sweeping changes to the ability of a client to complain against their solicitors to the LeO would be increased to six years rather than 12 months which is the current limitation.
Peter Reese a 62 year old patient suffering with acute breathing difficulties was rushed to West Wales General Hospital in Carmarthen West Wales where he was diagnosed with chest infection after tests and told he could go home at 2am.
But he was in for a shock when he was told to walk 23 miles home after being discharged in the middle of the night. He claimed that he was offered no help and was told to leave the hospital for being aggressive by a nurse.
In a botched insurance scam gone wrong a group of gang members who planned to commit insurance fraud by causing a deliberate accident led to the death of an innocent motorist Baljinder Kaur Gill
The gang was involved in ‘crash for cash’ insurance scam which led to the death of 34 year old Kaur the prosecution told the court.
A hypnotherapist who molested a girl while she was in a ‘light trance’ undergoing treatment for anxiety issues was jailed by a judge who condemned the hypnotherapy industry as unregulated.
Philip Sherwin, 47, molested the 19 year old girl while she sought treatment.
An unemployed agoraphobic (agoraphobia is a fear of being in situations in which escaping is difficult) who received benefits by attending Jobcentre meetings via videolink claimed that she was a victim of discrimination after being told that she had to come in person to receive her benefits.
Jen Lant could lose the £98 employment support allowance she receives in monthly meetings and argues the new rules discriminate against her because she is disabled.
The bride who had stolen almost £200,000 from her employer to fund a lavish wedding at an upmarket Fylde venue has been let off by ordering to repay just a fraction of what she stole.
Kirsty Lane gave a lavish party and reception at The Great Hall at Mains in Singleton, filling the venue with magicians a harpist and arranging a spectacular firework display and free bar for guests.
Nicola Dandridge chief executive of Universities UK has said recent spell of statements by senior ministers calling for a crackdown on bogus students had given an impression among the international students that they were no more welcome and were leaving for other countries like the US, Canada and Australia. Read more...
The UK Border Agency has investigated the case of an Algerian couple resulting in them being sent to jail for making and supplying false passports and identity documents. Read more...
Scott Woodburn, 32, paid Daniel Baggaley, 26, £250 to admit his speeding offence so he could escape being banned from driving Highway officials said.
South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership said his five month sentence given to him last month would send a warning to anyone who would behave irresponsibly.
A lawyer acting for victims of Jimmy Savile has begun a search for what he says could be the disgraced star’s missing millions.
The TV and radio presenter Savile left an estate of £4.3m when he died in October 2011 at the age of 84.
The Law Society has clarified its position on conveyancing solicitors referring clients to non-independent advisors.
In November last it was reported that there was a controversy between the Society and the Solicitors Regulation Authority, after the SRA passed new rules that went soft on referrals.
Re insurers are concerned that a court ruling could push up cost for underwriters by more than 20 per cent resulting in young drivers paying hundreds of pounds extra to their insurance premiums.
The cost of this ^insurance for insurers^ has risen sharply due to a change in the way courts were compensating car crash victims, a report in the Financial Times claimed.
Naim Sassi, 29, with no fixed address, was caught when he was trying to escape by climbing through the front window of a house in Bridgewater road, Bedminster Down, where he and his accomplices had stolen a laptop and four cannabis plants.
The inside of the property was turned upside down during the targeted burglary which took place just 15 minutes before midnight on Monday.
With fewer than half of applications for council properties in London include the nationality of the tenant, Migration Watch UK the immigration watch dog has demanded that social housing applicants should be forced to reveal their nationality to keep a closer watch on the number of council lettings taken up by foreign nationals. Read more...
An Albanian illegal immigrant who was caught with forged papers has been jailed for 12 months after pleading guilty to having a fake Italian passport and driving license he awaits deportation after serving his sentence. Read more...
The case of the six year old girl, Atiya Anjum – Wilkinson who was subject to international abduction by her own father and taken to Pakistan, illegally three years before, has ended in joyous reunion with her mother in Britain when the girl was returned to her mother. Read more...