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Reported Case News

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

ZV, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 3562 (Admin) (21 December 2020) (23 December 2020)

Interim support for asylum seekers must take into account their individual circumstances and needs a judge has said in a ruling on ZV, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 3562 (Admin) handed down on 2  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

DA & Ors v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 3080 (Admin) (13 November 2020) (18 December 2020)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors represents three Claimants who issued urgent proceedings challenging the Home Office’s policy of conducting abridged asylum screening interviews. We sought interim relief in the form of an order requiring the Home O  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Re H (Interim Care: Scottish Residential Placement) (9 December 2020)

We represent the mother in care proceedings. The child, H, has complex medical needs. In 2006, the child was placed in the father’s care under a Residence Order. Contact between the mother and child was prevented by the father and had not   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

R v P (Children: Similar Fact Evidence) (9 December 2020)

We represent the Respondent Mother (who has learning difficulties) in an ongoing complex Children Act matter. In October 2017, the Applicant Father issued a Child Arrangements application for contact with the parties’ daughter and then-unborn son.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

High Court declares Home Office discretionary leave policy for victims of trafficking unlawful (3 December 2020)

In a judgment handed down on 3 December 2020, Mr Justice Mostyn has declared that the Home Office policy on discretionary leave 1 as applied to victims of trafficking is unlawful, in that it fails to implement the UK’s obligation to protec  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Lakhany v Prempeh, [2020] EWCA Civ 1422 (3 November 2020)

This was a Court of Appeal case concerning whether a notice seeking possession of residential property due to rent arrears had to contain the name and address of the landlord. The Appellant and Ms Appiah-Baker moved in to the London residen  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

B (A Child : Abduction: Article 13(B)) (23 October 2020)

We represented the mother of a young child who came to the UK herself as a child asylum-seeker from Bosnia, escaping the war there. The mother is extremely vulnerable having been a victim of domestic abuse and also suffers from mental health diffi  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Court of Appeal declares the Home Secretary's removal policy breaches the constitutional right of access to justice (21 October 2020)

In a unanimous decision, handed down today, the Court of Appeal held in R (FB (Afghanistan) and Medical Justice) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWCA Civ [1338] that the Home Secretary’s removals policy is unlawful.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

QH v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 2691 (Admin) (20 October 2020)

The Claimant is an extremely vulnerable individual who is a recognised victim of trafficking. She has been subjected to trafficking as a child and as an adult both abroad and in the UK. The background to the case is set out in detail withi  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

AA Nigeria v Secretary of State (12 October 2020)

Our client arrived in the UK in 1999 aged 11 and has remained in the UK ever since. Our client entered into a relationship and has a daughter, K, born in 2006, a son, A, born in 2014 and a daughter, D, born in 2019. Our client was convicted fo  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

DH (Particular Social Group: Mental Health) Afghanistan [2020] UKUT 223 (IAC) (03 June 2020) (24 August 2020)

The outcome of this case affirms the supremacy of the Refugee Convention 1951 over EU law by reference to the Convention’s object and purpose. It recognises for the first time in UK asylum law that a “person living with disability or mental ill-healt  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

SW, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 2118 (Admin) (15 July 2020) (18 August 2020)

In a judgment handed down on 15 July 2020, Holman J told the Secretary of State that they “must now look beyond Serco to other providers, or even, on a case-specific basis, simply go out in into the community, anywhere in England and Wales, and  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Osadebay, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 2086 (Admin) (29 July 2020) (14 August 2020)

Background The claimant was granted bail in principle by the First-tier Tribunal (FtT) on 22 May 2020 with the condition that the Secretary of State release him into supported accommodation. The grant of bail was extended on 18 June 2020 bu  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Hussein v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWCA Civ 156 (13 February 2020) (6 August 2020)

In this complex appeal, the Appellant challenged the SSHD’s decision to deport him to the Netherlands based on his status as a permanent resident under the 2006 EEA Regulations. He appealed unsuccessfully to the First-tier Tribunal (‘FtT’) and  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

EK, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 2111 (Admin) (31 July 2020) (5 August 2020)

Background In this case, unusually, the High Court has issued a judgment following an application for an interim order. The claim challenges EK’s detention under immigration powers in HMP Leicester since 11 April 2019, a period of more tha  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

LC (A Child - Placement Order) [2020] EWCA Civ 787 (23 June 2020) (29 July 2020)

We represented the second respondent (father) in an appeal by a local authority (LA) against the decision of Recorder Thain dated 7 February 2020 to refuse the LA’s application for a placement order in respect of a two year old child (LC).   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Merca v SSHD [2020] EWHC 1479 (Admin) – Judge orders Home Office source bail accommodation, and release, within 4 days (27 July 2020)

In a judgment handed down on 8 June 2020 by Mr Justice Fordham, the High Court acknowledged ‘special difficulties’ caused by Covid-19 but found it was ‘necessary and proportionate’ to order the Home Office source accommodation and facilitat  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

MA, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] EWHC 1502 (Admin) (16 July 2020)

We represented the Claimant ‘MA’ in an application for judicial review. Background MA is a national of Pakistan who arrived in the UK in September 2011 on a Tier 4 student visa which was valid until 14 April 2012, on that day he appli  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Kaitey v SSHD [2020] EWHC 1861 – High Court dismisses challenge to imposition of Schedule 10 Immigration Bail (14 July 2020)

In a judgment handed down on 13 July 2020 by Mrs Justice Laing, the High Court has dismissed our client’s application for judicial review against the Defendant’s decision to impose conditional immigration bail upon him. Our client, the Cla  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Uddin v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWCA Civ 338 (12 March 2020) (7 July 2020)

The question raised in this case was whether family life can be established for the purposes of Article 8 between an asylum seeker who was placed in foster care arrangement from a minor up until an adult. The First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

D & Ors v The Lord Chancellor & Anor [2020] EWHC 736 (Admin) - clients awarded their costs in claim against the Tribunal (1 July 2020)

On 2 April 2020, the Court handed down judgment in D & Ors v The Lord Chancellor & Anor [2020] EWHC 736 (Admin), ordering the First-tier Tribunal to pay the Claimants’ costs in a judicial review challenge to the Tribunal’s policy.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

LH, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] EWHC 3457 (Admin) (13 December 2019) (19 June 2020)

Our Vietnamese client ‘LH’ challenged by way of judicial review the lawfulness of a Secretary of State decision that he was not a victim of trafficking. LH had previously received a negative conclusive grounds decision and the decision under chall  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

A (A Child) (Rev 1) [2020] EWCA Civ 731 (15 June 2020) - Success in Opposing Appeal by SSHD in FGMPO Proceedings (17 June 2020)

In September 2019 we reported the outcome of a hearing before the President of the Family Division in respect of an application brought by the Local Authority to protect a young girl who was at risk of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) if removed fr  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

FL (A Child), Re [2020] EWCA Civ 20 (22 January 2020) (16 June 2020)

We represented the child ‘FL’ through his Guardian. FL was 18 months old at the conclusion of the proceedings. Background The concerns centred on the mother’s history of mental health issues and misuse of alcohol. The mother’s inability  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Re C (Female Genital Mutilation and Forced Marriage: Fact Finding) [2019] EWHC 3449 (Fam) (16 June 2020)

The applicant mother had many siblings including our client, F. The family was of Somalian descent. As a result of the civil war in Somalia, the parents left Somalia and travelled with F and two of his brothers to England in April 2002, leaving th  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

C-D (A Child), Re [2020] EWCA Civ 501 (08 April 2020) (16 June 2020)

The case concerned ‘B’ an 8 year old boy who was subject to care proceedings following concerns about him suffering ongoing emotional harm and neglect. We represented B through his Guardian and played a central role in determining his best int  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

SB (Ghana), R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department & Anor [2020] EWHC 668 (Admin) (20 March 2020) (15 June 2020)

Our client, SB, was successful in his unlawful detention claim in which the High Court found a breach of the Hardial Singh principles notwithstanding SB’s serious offending history. Background SB is a national of Ghana. Follow  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

R (on the application of Habte) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 967 (10 June 2020)

The Administrative Court has dismissed our client’s judicial review on one of the grounds of whether the UK authorities had taken over responsibility for examining the asylum claim pursuant to Article 17(1) Dublin by arranging and conducting the c  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

£1 an hour detention centre pay challenge: Court of Appeal dismisses appeal (20 May 2020)

The Court of Appeal has today dismissed our challenge to the Secretary of State for the Home Department’s policy of paying immigration detainees a fixed pay rate of £1 an hour in order to work in detention. This was an appeal to the decisi  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

The ‘Covid case’: AQS, R (On the Application Of) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 843 (Admin) (07 April 2020) (30 April 2020)

In this case unusually, the High Court has issued a judgment following an application for an interim order. The matter concerns the accommodation of asylum-seekers who display Covid-19 symptoms, who bears the responsibility for accommodating a  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

R (on the application of Vincent Nolson) v Stevenage Borough Council (2020) EWCA Civ 379 (15 April 2020)

What are the next steps after an application for interim relief is refused in the Administrative Court? The Appellant client made a homelessness application to the Respondent Council in February 2019. He was placed in temporary accommodatio  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

FS v London Borough of Croydon - Success in age-assessment judicial review (13 March 2020)

We were successful in a judicial review concerning the Respondent’s – the London Borough of Croydon - decision to refuse to re-assess our client’s age. We were issued with a declaration that his date of birth is 1 July 2002 rather than his ‘assess  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

A (A child) (Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order Application) [2020] EWHC 323 (Fam) - Success for client in Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order Matter (9 March 2020)

The family court accepted an application for a Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order (FGMPO) brought by the local authority and supported by our client, to protect her ten year old daughter A from undergoing the procedure. Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Foley, R (On the Application Of) v SSHD [2019] – Court rules on Irish citizens deportation policy (21 February 2020)

The Administrative Court has dismissed our client’s judicial review challenge in Foley v SSHD, finding that the Secretary of State’s special policy on the deportation of Irish citizens is lawful and proportionate. Since 2007, the Secretary of   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

Shields-McKinley v The Secretary of State for Justice the Lord Chancellor & Anor [2019] EWCA Civ 1954 (14 November 2019) (21 February 2020)

The Court of Appeal has dismissed our client’s appeal in Shields-McKinley v SSJ, finding that the Secretary of State for Justice was not responsible for our client’s false imprisonment as a result of his sentence miscalculation. These proceedi  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

SSHD v JS (Uganda) [2019] EWCA Civ 1670 – Cessation of Refugee Status under Article 1C (21 February 2020)

The Court of Appeal have allowed the Secretary of State for the Home Department’s (SSHD) appeal in the case of SSHD v JS (Uganda), finding that the UK did not owe obligations to our client (JS) under the Refugee Convention, as he had been recognis  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

R (Julien Benchaouir) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] EWHC 2606 (Admin) - Detention of a foreign national offender with accepted mental illness (14 February 2020)

The Claimant’s situation came to light when he instructed Duncan Lewis Solicitors in his bail matter in July 2018. The case concerns a challenge to the lawfulness of detention of a foreign national offender with accepted mental illness. It als  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Reported Case

GB v R. [2020] EWCA Crim 2 (16 January 2020) – Public interest safety and quashing criminal convictions for confirmed victims of trafficking (31 January 2020)

Ms. GB was convicted for using false documentation in 2008 and despite evidence that she was a victim of trafficking and at real risk of persecution, she was not properly advised of her rights or provided support as a victim of trafficking. We wer  Read more...

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