Creating a will ensures that after death our wishes are followed. However, if in later life we are no longer able to make our own decisions, how do we ensure our choices are followed? Whilst mental incapacity is a scenario that many of us would rather not think about, the reality of our ageing population is that incidences of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia have dramatically increased within our society. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors would like to take this opportunity to indicate that we are providing free meet and greet opportunities to train organisations in relation to any of our below areas of Public Law. We are particularly pleased to offer this service to any professional bodies such as: advocacy services, IMCA/ IMHA organisations, carer groups, disability right groups, regulatory groups and any schools that would find training useful. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors on the 1 December 2016 provided a “Meet and greet” session to service users at The Advocacy Project. The Advocacy Project ensures that the most vulnerable people in London have meaningful choice and control over what happens in their lives particularly older people and those with learning disabilities, dementia and mental health issues. With a long tradition of working with adults and older people, we have now extended our scope and are undertaking invaluable work with children and young people. Read more...
Legal 500 “Top Tier” law firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that they have been shortlisted for two awards at the Law Works Annual Pro Bono Awards – the “LawWorks Cymru Award” and the “Best contribution by a firm with a London head office”. Duncan Lewis Director, Emine Mehmet, has also been shortlisted for the award of “Best contribution by an individual”. Read more...
Towards the end of last year, I made the decision to give up alcohol for the entirety of 2016. Given that it was such a huge part of my social life, I knew that I could raise some money for a worthy cause in doing so. I thought about the issues that are most important to me and it occurred to me that despite my desire for socio-economic equality and access to equal opportunities for all, I do not do enough to provide assistance to those who require it the most. I was then introduced to the Access Project by a friend of mine and I instantly knew that this was the charity that I had been looking for. Read more...
The High Court has ordered the Home Office to temporarily suspend the use of a restricted definition of torture in their new policy on immigration detention, following an application for interim relief by Duncan Lewis Solicitors. Read more...
Legal 500 “Top Tier” firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are extremely pleased to announce that Family & Child Care Director Emine Mehmet was awarded the Family Law Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year award at the recent 6th annual Family Law Awards. Read more...
Legal 500 “Top Tier” firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors has been awarded Crime Contracts for the provision of Duty Solicitor Services, from January/April 2017 at Police Stations, Magistrates Courts and in the Crown Courts from 27 offices in London and across the UK. Read more...
Duncan Lewis’ Eleri Haf Davies was selected by the International Jurists, Colombia Caravana to take part in this year's delegation to Colombia. The Colombia Caravana was founded in 2008 after the National Colombian Association of Human Rights Lawyers (ACADEHUM) asked the international legal community to develop and implement an international programme of support for human rights lawyers working in Colombia. The Colombia Caravana UK Lawyers’ Group is now at the centre of an international network of jurists offering support to lawyers and other legal professionals in Colombia. Read more...
Legal 500 “Top Tier” firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are extremely pleased to announce that on Saturday, 19th November 2016, Family & Child Care Solicitor Jaswinder Kalsi received the Society of Asian Lawyers’ Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors are extremely pleased to announce the appointment of Family & Child Care Solicitor Emily Wright to the Law Society’s Children Law Panel. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors has been nominated as part of a legal collective for PILnet’s 2016 European Award for Exemplary Partnership in the Public Interest, specifically for its work on reuniting unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors across Europe with their family members in the UK under the EU Dublin Regulation. Read more...
His Honour Sir Mota Singh QC was the first ethnic minority Judge to sit on the English Bench. In 1967 Singh joined the English Bar and was appointed to the bench in 1982. He was the first Judge to wear a turban instead of the traditional horse hair wig in court. In 2010, he received a knighthood from the Queen, the highest civilian honour for his services to the Judiciary and for his charitable and community work. Singh was the first Sikh QC and is regarded as a highly regarded and pioneering figure for ethnic minorities within the legal profession. Read more...
Alexander Henderson of Duncan Lewis works closely with the ‘Halo Project’, based in Teesside, whose work focuses on protecting vulnerable women who are seeking to flee domestic abuse, forced marriage or female genital mutilation. Read more...
Director of Housing at Duncan Lewis, Heather Iqbal Rayner was solicitor with lead conduct in this landmark judgment. The Court of Appeal has ruled in Cardiff County Council v Lee (Flowers) [2016] EWCA Civ 1034 that residential landlords must apply for the court^s permission before being able to apply for an eviction warrant if a Suspended Possession Order is breached. Read more...
In August 2016, Duncan Lewis’ Public Law Caseworker Eleri Haf Davies was invited to join the International Jurists Commission, Caravana Colombia, to undertake research into the human rights situation in Colombia. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors is delighted to announce that the company’s Crime & Fraud legal department has been recognised as a Top Ranking practice in Crime for Watford, Uxbridge & Surrounding areas. Director Toufique Hossain of Public Law and Immigration, Director Dianne Cowie of Housing and Director Laila Bhunnoo of Family and Child Care have also been ranked as leaders in their respective fields. Read more...
Community Care Director Jemma Garside appeared on BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire on Wednesday 2nd November to discuss care homes banning relatives who make a complaint about the quality of care. Read more...
Recognised by Legal 500 2016 for their expertise in family & childcare matters, Duncan Lewis are pleased to welcome back to the firm Director of Family & Childcare, Laila Bhunnoo. Read more...
In support of World Mental Health Day on 10th October, Duncan Lewis Solicitors wish to raise awareness on the topics of Mental Capacity and the Court of Protection. We must work together to mobilise efforts in support of those suffering mental health difficulties and by raising awareness on various Mental Health topics we are seeking to do this. Read more...
Recommended by Legal 500 2016 Edition as a ‘genuine star’ in his field, Toufique Hossain, Director of Public Law and Immigration at Duncan Lewis, spoke at the ^Uncertain Journeys^ conference at Goldsmiths University on Thursday 15th September. The conference covered new strategies and initiatives for the support of unaccompanied and separated children. Toufique spoke about last year’s legal work in stopping mass charter flights to Afghanistan and the current work in developing and preparing Afghan protection claims which may affect unaccompanied children. Read more...
A 2015 Equality and Diversity survey of over half of Duncan Lewis Solicitors’ workforce reported that 68% of their staff were female, 10% were over the age of 45 years, 42% were from an Asian/Asian British background and 27% were from other ethnic minority groups. Read more...
Recommended by Legal 500 2016 Edition for its work representing landlord and tenants in social housing matters across London and South Wales, Duncan Lewis is pleased to announce the recent appointment of Bernadette Chikwe as a Director of Housing for the company’s East London, Dalston branch. Read more...
Ranked as Top-Tier firm by Legal 500 2016 Edition for its Immigration Human Rights practices in London and Cardiff, Duncan Lewis is pleased to announce the recent appointments of both Vinita Templeton and Bernadette Adusei as Directors of Immigration. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors received its first “Top Tier” Ranking award for its London Immigration Human Rights practice and maintained a “Top Tier” status for its Immigration Human Rights work in Wales. Solicitor Vinita Templeton, specialised in immigration judicial review, received elite “Leading Lawyer” status. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors are proud to announce outstanding recognition in the Legal 500 2016 Edition which sees 10 legal departments nationwide receiving recommendations with 16 recommended lawyers. Read more...
Specialist Public law experts at Duncan Lewis Solicitors, will represent “P” in Court of Protection Proceedings on the 15/9/2016 against two NHS bodies. The legal team are assisted by Mr Lee Parkhill (of 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square Chambers, London) a barrister experienced in public law and Court of Protection matters. Read more...
The recent Duncan Lewis judicial review case of MJE^s appeal led by lead solicitor Sabina Angeli saw the Tribunal accept the appeal of an Afghan asylum seeker who arrived in the UK to escape from life threatening circumstances he faced from the Taliban. Read more...
Accredited by the Law Society at 3(Advanced) of the Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme, Duncan Lewis Immigration Director Toufique Hossain will be attending as a speaker the Conference on New strategies and initiatives for the support of unaccompanied and separated migrant children at the Goldsmiths University on Thursday 15th September. Read more...
Nicholas Hughes and Lewis Kett have recently returned from a visit to a refugee centre for unaccompanied minors in Germany, where they are helping to reunite a vulnerable Afghan child with his surviving family in the UK. This is in relation to a legal challenge against the UK Government for failing to accept responsibility on an expedited basis for the asylum application of the unaccompanied child, as per the Dublin III Regulation. The Home Office’s refusal to act means that the unaccompanied child will be stuck in Germany for many months, increasing the mental anguish suffered as a result of the journey to Europe and the separation from his family. Read more...
Recognised by Legal 500 as a leading matrimonial practice and an undoubted force in international children law, Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Child Care Solicitor Emily Wright has achieved the prestigious Children Panel Accreditation. Read more...
Solicitor Lewis Kett, in the Public Law Team at Duncan Lewis, is working with charity Refugee and Asylum Seeker Participatory Action Research (RAPAR) in assisting two former Afghan interpreters for the British army who are currently stranded in the Calais “Jungle” in France. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors have just come back from the Jungle in Calais where they are helping to reunite stranded refugee children with family members in the UK. In partnership with Safe Passage and with support from the Red Cross, Zofia Duszynska and Sondos Arafa join a team of British lawyers assisting children to achieve safety as soon as possible. Read more...
Legal 500 “Top Tier” law firm and first law firm in the UK to achieve and maintain Investors in People Gold Accreditation since 2009, Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that they have been shortlisted for Excellence Awards 2016 in Pro Bono work. This Law Society shortlist was significantly due to the extensive pro bono presence that Duncan Lewis has established in Cardiff, South Wales through the co-ordination of Director of Housing for Cardiff, Heather Iqbal-Rayner. Read more...
Shortlisted for Law Society’s Diversity & Inclusion 2015 Excellence Award, Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that they have been shortlisted for the prestigious Law Society’s 2016 Excellence in Business Development Award for the first time. Read more...
Legal 500 “Top Tier” law firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Public Law Director Adam Tear has been shortlisted for Solicitor Advocate of the Year and Human Rights Lawyer of the Year 2016. Read more...
Legal 500 law firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Public Law Director Toufique Hossain and the assistant solicitor Rohena Wallace have achieved the prestigious Law Society Level 3 Immigration and Asylum Advanced Accreditation. Read more...
Recognised by Legal 500 2015 Edition as “an undoubted force in international children law and winner of the 5th Annual Jordan’s Family Law Firm of the Year Award”, Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Jasbir Raindi has recently been appointed as a Director of Family and Childcare for the company’s Milton Keynes’ branch. Read more...
Recognised as a Top Tier and leading criminal defence practice by Chambers UK 2016, Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce the recent arrival of Criminal Defence Specialist and Higher Court Advocate, Chris Georgiou. With Duncan Lewis, Georgiou will practise in all aspects of criminal and fraud defence and primarily from the company’s Harrow and North London offices. Read more...
A Duncan Lewis Judicial Review case - Applications for Permission CO/5927/2015 (The Queen on the application of Thompson v Director for Legal Aid) - saw the Director of Legal Aid refusing to grant exceptional case funding despite accepting that the Claimant had a ‘Moderate’ prospect of success. Read more...
The recent Duncan Lewis judicial review case of Abdulkadir & Anor, R (on the application of ) v SSHD [2016] EWHC 1504 (Admin) saw the High Court consider for the very first time an asylum removal case to Austria under Dublin III regulations. Duncan Lewis Public Law and Immigration Solicitor Krisha Prathepan was lead solicitor in this challenge. Read more...
Legal 500 law firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Immigration & Public Law Director Trevor Hatton has achieved the prestigious Law Society Level 3 Immigration and Asylum Advanced Accreditation. Read more...
Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners recommended Public Law Director James Packer was interviewed on LBC radio as an independent legal expert on 7th June, following the debate between Chuuka Umunna and Dominic Raab on the Brexit ‘leave’ campaign’s claims about EC law preventing the deportation of serious criminals. Read more...
Recommended by Legal 500 in 2015 for his significant expertise in Public Law and Immigration matters, Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Director of Public Law Adam Tear has been appointed as a Level 3 (Advanced) Assessor in relation to the Law Society Immigration and Asylum Law Accreditation Scheme. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Public Law Solicitor Kat Hacker delivered a talk at the Law Society "Being a Human Rights Lawyer Day" on the 17th March 2015. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to welcome Director Rebecca Thomas as the newest addition to the firm’s Harrow based Clinical Negligence department. Read more...
Legal 500 recommended Law Firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce the May 2016 appointment of Anthony Thompson as a Director of the firm’s Employment Law department. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors took part in the London Play 2 Remember football tournament on the 2nd April 2016. Duncan Lewis Public Law Trainee Solicitor Jamie Bell provides a fun and gripping match by match account of the trials and tribulations faced by the Duncan Lewis teams. Read more...
Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners recommended Legal Aid Law Firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that they will be taking part in the London Play 2 Remember football tournament to raise awareness for survivors of the Rwandan genocide. Read more...
Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners recommended Public Law Director James Packer was interviewed on LBC^s Nick Ferrari show discussing the matter of a nine-year-old Sheffield schoolgirl facing deportation to Nigeria this month despite fears that she may be forced to submit to female genital mutilation (FGM) Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that they have been shortlisted for the Legal Aid Team of the Year Award in the Solicitors Journal Awards 2016. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that they will be taking part in the London Legal Walk 2016. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce the launch of a monthly free Legal Advice Clinic in their Birmingham office from March 2015. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to introduce Bradford-based Director Meena Kumari as the newest member of their Legal 500 recommended Family & Childcare practice.
Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce the internal appointment of Jemma Garside as Director of the firm’s Legal 500 recommended Community Care team. Read more...