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Business Visitors

Business visitors


I wish to briefly visit the UK on business – how can I do this?


The business visitor category permits individuals to attend meetings, negotiate business deals and undertake fact-finding missions together with other specific permissible activities within the UK.


It is important that an individual under this category does not engage in any work activities outside those permitted and that they are not residing here for prolonged periods as this could result in their visa being revoked and them being removed from the UK.


If an individual will be working in the UK outside of the activities permitted, you must ensure that your company applies for the appropriate visa, either under the work visa categories.


You may take part in paid engagement or event for certain jobs if you have a written invitation from a UK based organisation or client for a pre-arranged event or other permitted engagement, you can show are an expert in your profession and are aged over 18. This engagement must take place in the first month of your visit.


If you have any question or concerns about any issues with regards to a business visitor visa please contact us on +44(0)203 114 1198 or e-mail us at privateimmigration@duncanlewis.com / businessimmigration@duncanlewis.com


How can I establish which visa is appropriate?


If you are unsure whether your company or an individual who is planning to visit your company requires a business visa we can guide you through the process to ensure the individual and your company is fully compliant with the rules.


For more information please contact our specialist compliance team today on +44(0)203 114 1198 or e-mail us at privateimmigration@duncanlewis.com / businessimmigration@duncanlewis.com


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