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Defined Certificates of Sponsorship

Defined Certificates

What is a Defined Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS)?

A Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) is an electronic document issued by the sponsor to the migrant and is provided as an essential document in the migrant’s skilled worker visa application. Each certificate has a unique number which the migrant uses as part of their skilled worker visa application.

A Defined COS (DCOS) is an immigration document that allows employers to hire skilled workers from outside the UK. Although the resident labour market Test requirement has been abolished, in order for a sponsor to apply for a Defined COS, they should still be able to demonstrate how a migrant worker was identified for the role and provide proof of their recruitment process. The sponsor must be an A rated sponsor to make a DCOS application and if the Home Office does not have all the details required to justify the DCoS application, they can refuse it.

How to Apply for a Defined CoS?

You need to apply for certificates through the sponsorship management system (SMS). You will get access to the SMS when you get your licence.

After you submit your application, it should be processed within a few working days. The UKVI can take longer to make a decision if they need to carry out further checks or request additional information.

Our dedicated Skilled Worker (formerly known as Tier 2) team at Duncan Lewis can advise you on the Defined Certificate of Sponsorship process. 

For more information please contact our specialist compliance team today on +44(0)203 114 1198 or e-mail us at privateimmigration@duncanlewis.com / businessimmigration@duncanlewis.com.

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