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Indefinite Leave To Remain

Indefinite Leave To Remain


If you have lived in the UK for a number of years and you intend to remain here, you may be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain (ILR). ILR gives you the right to settle in the UK and live here indefinitely. Once you have been granted ILR, your travel to and from the UK will not be restricted and you will be allowed to take up employment or business activities without requiring a work permit.


To be eligible for ILR you need to show that you have been in the UK for a minimum period of time. The length of this period will depend on your immigration status, which is determined by:


  • The category of visa you hold;
  • Whether you have a partner (married or unmarried) who is a British or EU national;
  • Your ability to support yourself (in some cases);
  • Whether you have ever stayed in the UK illegally.


The time requirement can differ greatly depending on these factors. A member of our immigration team will be able to take all of your personal circumstances into account and advise you on whether you are eligible to apply for ILR and, if not, when the earliest opportunity is that you may do so.


We assist with premium same-day service, 10 year continuous lawful residence applications, 20 years private life application and appeals.


My application was refused without a right to appeal – what can I do?


If your application for Indefinite Leave to Remain visa is refused with no right to appeal, we can assist by way of Judicial Review. At Duncan Lewis Solicitors, we are experts at challenging the Home Office through Judicial Review. Our team of UK immigration solicitors are highly experienced with making Judicial Review claims against the UK Home Office.


For an initial consultation over the telephone with one of our expert UK immigration lawyers, call us today on +44(0)203 114 1198 or e-mail us at privateimmigration@duncanlewis.com.

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