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Child Care News

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Court Must Hear Evidence Before Deciding (1 September 2009)

Cases involving the custody of children are often very contentious and need to be approached with sensitivity and care  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Divorce – Future Pension Not Taken Into Account (1 September 2009)

A recent, bitterly contested ‘big money’ divorce case shows how reluctant the courts are to upset financial settlements on the basis of contingencies and reinforces the point that bad behaviour is not a basis for changing the division of the assets  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Pre-Nups – Not Quite There Yet (1 September 2009)

The recent case in which the Court of Appeal ruled that a German heiress was able to rely on a pre-nuptial agreement made with her husband was widely reported as meaning that the traditional view of the courts, that ‘pre-nups’ are little more than persuasive, was shattered

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Judge Uses Discretion in Contact Proceedings Case (1 July 2009)

The interpretation of the laws that apply when a child is to be adopted by prospective adopters who live in a foreign country remains unclear, following two recent rulings

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Is a Child to Blame? (1 July 2009)

The interpretation of the laws that apply when a child is to be adopted by prospective adopters who live in a foreign country remains unclear, following two recent rulings  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Looked After Children (1 March 2009)

Children under 18 may be ^looked after^ by local authorities under a number of legal arrangements.
A recent decision of the Court of Appeal considered the responsibility of the local authority towards a 17-year-old boy who had nowhere to live but who, it deemed, was merely in need of help in obtaining accommodation.

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Parental Responsibility Prior to Adoption Abroad (1 March 2009)

The interpretation of the laws that apply when a child is to be adopted by prospective adopters who live in a foreign country remains unclear, following two recent rulings.  Read more...

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