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Child Care Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
Duncan Lewis:Child Care

‘Once in a generation’ children’s social care reforms cannot come soon enough (16 June 2022)

Radical recommendations to reform children’s care have been outlined in the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care which was published recently.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Is a Child Arrangement Order the answer when the fairy tale ends? (26 May 2022)

The advent of no-fault divorce this year may mean a couple can separate without too much legal wrangling, but when child custody is disputed you may still need to turn to the courts.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Could more children in care be placed with family members abroad? (24 May 2022)

With the number of children in care at an all-time high it may be time that the authorities and courts did more to explore whether more children can be placed with family members abroad.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Can a parent be ruled out as a carer before a final hearing? (10 May 2022)

North Yorkshire directions are increasingly being used by courts in care proceedings. Where a local authority has provided all the evidence on the parents, and professionals provide an opinion which is not in favour of the parents, they can be ruled out as potential carers before the final hearing.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Kardashian Child Maintenance Battle Shows Need for Formal Legal Agreement (5 May 2022)

One of the most divisive issues can be around custody and the subsequent payment of maintenance but what can you do to make a fraught situation go smoothly and save your children from long-term damage?  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

‘Unfit for Purpose’: The Foster Care System Leaving Children Ripe for Exploitation (25 January 2022)

It has become increasingly clear over the course of the pandemic that the care system is under excruciating pressure and requires urgent review.   Read more...

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