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Child Care Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Children Proceedings after Parental Murder (20 December 2011)

How Should They be Funded? The funding issues faced when resolving issues relating to the children of a murdered parent. By Omoye Egboh. Two recently reported cases represent a rise in cases where one parent has killed another.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

What is the legal process for adoption? (7 November 2011)

The entire adoption process, from initial assessment to approval, normally takes around eight months to complete, although it can sometimes take longer.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Wardship (2 November 2011)

When it is no longer possible for a person to manage their assets, because of some form of mental incapacity, then application can be made for them to become a Ward of Court. It will be up to the court to decide whether they are capable of managing their own property for both their own benefit and for the benefit of their dependents.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Declaration of parentage (2 November 2011)

If the natural father’s details need to be added to a child’s registration document or if, since the birth of a child, its parents have married each other, then the child’s birth will have to be re-registered,  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Assessment of Parents in Care Proceedings (28 October 2011)

S (A Child) [2011] EWCA Civ 812 - Assessment of Parents in Care Proceedings – Appeal by mother against refusal of an assessment under s.38(6) Children Act 1989.

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

An analysis of RE F (INTERNAL RELOCATION) [2010] EWCA Civ 1428 CA, and its impact within children act proceedings (28 October 2011)

The correct way to deal with a parent’s objection to internal relocation is by issuing a Prohibited Steps Order (PSO). As with all s.8 contested applications, when deciding whether the court should make an order, the court will examine the welfare principle under s.1(1) of the Children Act 1989, and the welfare checklist under s.1(3) of the children Act 1989.  Read more...

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Disclosure of Childcare Proceedings Documents in Other Proceedings (28 October 2011)

A common issue that childcare lawyers are likely to face is where clients have overlapping matters or matters where the outcome of one case will invariably have an impact on the other. The most common example which comes to mind is where a client has ongoing immigration proceedings alongside their childcare proceedings.   Read more...

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Relocation of Children (6 June 2011)

Relocation cases are heart-rending cases with drastic implications for the whole family. It is this that lies at the heart of the court^s dilemma.

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Fact Finding Hearings in private law proceedings (6 June 2011)

The following article addresses fact finding hearings which are frequently used in private law, children disputes where allegations of domestic violence are alleged by one parent against another.

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Relocation of Children (18 April 2011)

Relocation cases are heart-rending cases with drastic implications for the whole family. It is this that lies at the heart of the court^s dilemma.

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Analysis of Hair Strand Testing for alcohol in Children Act Proceedings (18 April 2011)

Guidance has been provided in the recent case of London Borough of Richmond upon Thams v B [2010] EWCA 2903 (fam) as to the use of hair strand testing for alcohol in Children Act Proceedings.  Read more...

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Children in Immigration Cases (18 April 2011)

Thousands of people settle in the UK every year after obtaining valid leave to remain here, but in many cases, they do so without the appropriate means of leave. One thing is certain though, families are bound to be formed. Status or no status children end up coming and to that extent their rights too have to be considered.

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Missing Children (28 March 2011)

Losing a child is always a problem. Whether it be in moment of panic or over a number of years, this can cause severe anguish for the parents concerned. As we are all too frighteningly aware, this is a problem that will simply not disappear. I only have to refer you to the ongoing McCann search to highlight the anguish and despair suffered by the parents through not knowing the whereabouts of their child.

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