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Child Care Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Parental Alienation (15 October 2018)

Parental alienation, in relation to family court cases, is difficult to define due to the fact that the degree of impact parental alienation has on a child remains under debate. Broadly speaking, parental alienation occurs when a child begins rejecting one parent largely due to the influence and/or manipulation of the other.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Sapphire Stait Offers Free Legal Advice to Women at the Birmingham Freedom Project (10 July 2018)

Childcare and Family Solicitor Sapphire Stait has set up a free legal advice clinic at the Birmingham Freedom Project in Kings Heath, Birmingham, providing legal advice on family and childcare matters to those women who have been affected by domestic abuse.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

Children put forward for adoption on the rise – what this means (29 June 2018)

According to the Freedom of Information (FOI) inquiry conducted by Professor Andy Bilson of the University of Central Lancashire, which took results from 70 local authorities in the UK, the number of children adopted and the number made subject to section 47 enquiries has increased by 50% in 5 years.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

The Government announce £6 million funding for children of alcoholics (24 April 2018)

The government have pledged to fund £6 million towards support for children with parents who are alcoholics and has planned to create programs to offer that support and advice for children whose parents suffer from alcoholism by including fast access to mental health service and offering treatment programs to help parents overcome their addictions.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Child Care

The Ministry of Justice Announces Changes to Current Legal Aid System for Victims of Domestic Violence (10 January 2018)

Since the changes introduced by the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 came into force on 1st April 2013, many vulnerable people have not been eligible for legal aid funding for legal services in certain family law matters such as contact and residence disputes. The rules stated that in order to be eligible for legal aid in certain family law matters, the client needed to show that either they have been the victim of domestic abuse or that social services have concerns about their children due to the opponent’s behaviour. The Legal Aid Agency is strict in terms of what they accept as evidence of domestic abuse. A requirement of showing evidence of domestic violence within the previous 2 years was initially imposed, which was extended to 5 years in abuse cases.   Read more...

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