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Child Care Solicitors

Declaration of parentage (2 November 2011)

Date: 02/11/2011
Duncan Lewis, Child Care Solicitors, Declaration of parentage

If the natural father’s details need to be added to a child’s registration document or if, since the birth of a child, its parents have married each other, then the child’s birth will have to be re-registered,

It is sometimes the case, for example, that the parents are unmarried, but they would like the natural father’s details to be added to the record of birth. In such cases, a new record would have to be created with the relevant details added to it as a replacement for the original one. There is a form for this, which is called an ‘Application for the Re-Registration of a Child’s Birth.’ This document is not simply taken home and filled in by the parents, however. They must both take it to the register office, along with all of the necessary documentation and information. Should it not be possible for them to do this, they will also need to complete a ‘Statutory Declaration of Acknowledgement of Parentage’ form.

In the case where the natural parents since the birth have become married, the procedure is slightly different. In this case, the birth will need to be re-registered to create a fresh birth record that will contain the details of the child’s birth as a product of the parents’ marriage. The form required in such instances is an ‘Application for Re-Registration Following Parents’ Marriage.’

When the case has gone through the courts the procedure for declaration of parentage is different again. A court in England and Wales can, under certain circumstances, issue a ‘Declaration of Parentage’ and the birth will then be re-registered to reflect the findings made by the court. In this case, the parents involved do not need to do anything on their own account, because a copy of the declaration form will be sent to the General Register Office directly. Family & Child Care solicitors such as Duncan Lewis should be consulted to learn, in more detail, how you can apply for a Declaration of Parentage or alternatively you can contact the Chief Clerk of a local County or Magistrates Court.

When it comes to obtaining a new birth certificate, re-registrations carry no additional charge. However, if you want to get a new birth certificate that shows the changes that have been made through a new declaration of parentage then payment of a fee is required. The first place to apply for this is at the register office that you have been dealing with, but it can also be obtained online by contacting the General Register Office by email or on the telephone.

Declaration of Parentage proceedings are slightly different in Scotland and Northern Ireland and there are links online that provide instructions for contacting the relevant General Register Office in those jurisdictions.

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