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Keyhole Surgery

Keyhole Surgery (to any part of the body)


Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors – No win no fee Claims for Keyhole Surgery Negligence


“I thought keyhole surgery would be much easier, but I suffered a perforated bowel.”


Keyhole surgery – also known as laparoscopic surgery – has revolutionised surgical procedures by making incisions smaller and recovery time from an operation much faster.


Keyhole surgery is now used for extremely complex surgery and involves a microscopic camera inserted into the body through an incision to guide the surgeon.


This can mean, however, that injuries to internal organs can occur because the surgeon is operating remotely or “blindly”.


In major operations involving keyhole surgery – such as an adrenalectomy –a general anaesthetic will still be used. In some procedures – such as inguinal hernia repair – a local anaesthetic may be used.


Keyhole surgery is also used for operations involving the back and shoulders or joints – such as an arthroscopy – and even the heart, as in the case of angioplasty.


Keyhole surgery is also used for hysterectomies – and also gallbladder surgery.


Duncan Lewis clinical negligence solicitors can advise keyhole surgery patients who have suffered further injury during keyhole surgery – or poor care in hospital following keyhole surgery – on how to make a no win no fee claim for compensation, including claims relating to:


  • Anaesthetic errors and mistakes
  • Damage to arteries, veins and capillaries
  • Hospital-acquired infections
  • Internal organ damage (eg gastrointestinal perforation, perforated lung, liver damage, kidney damage)
  • Nerve damage during keyhole surgery
  • Poor monitoring of patient during procedure (eg pain relief, blood pressure)
  • Pre-operative patient evaluation negligence
  • Poor post-operative care
  • Soft tissue damage during keyhole surgery.


Keyhole surgery negligence can result in patients suffering serous or life threatening injuries – if the stomach, bladder or bowel is perforated, urine, faeces, stomach acid and blood can leak into the abdominal cavity causing inflammation and infection.


In some operations, a surgeon may have to revert to open surgery – when a large incision is made – if a keyhole procedure turns out to be unsuitable.


Making Keyhole Surgery Claims


Patients who have suffered injury as a result of negligent keyhole surgery have three years from the date of injury or diagnosis of injury in which to make a no win no fee claim for keyhole surgery compensation.


Children who suffer injury as a result of negligent keyhole surgery can make a compensation claim up to the age of 21.


In cases where a loved one has lost their life as a result of serious keyhole surgery injuries – or sepsis which developed as a result of keyhole surgery – Duncan Lewis clinical negligence solicitors can advise bereaved families on how to make a no win no fee Fatal Injuries Claim for medical negligence.


Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors – No win no fee Keyhole Surgery Negligence Claims


Duncan Lewis clinical solicitors are one of the UK’s leading no win no fee law firms and can advise both NHS patients and private patients who have suffered keyhole surgery negligence on how to make a no win no fee compensation claim.


Because of the limitation period for making keyhole surgery negligence claims, Duncan Lewis clinical negligence solicitors advise patients to get in touch to discuss making a claim as soon as possible.


Duncan Lewis can also advise the parents or guardian of a child injured as a result of poor keyhole surgery on how to make a no win no fee compensation claim before the child is 21 by acting as their Litigation Friend.


For expert legal advice on no win no fee Keyhole Surgery Claims, call Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors on 020 7923 4020.

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