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Radiology Negligence Claims Solicitors

Was there a failure to take an x-ray or scan? Call Duncan Lewis


Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors – No win no fee Radiology Negligence Claims (Failure to take X-rays or Scans)


“If only I’d been sent for a scan earlier, things might have been different.”


Initial diagnosis of conditions usually rests on observation and a patient’s description of symptoms – however, if a GP suspects a patient might have a more serious condition, NHS guidelines state that patients must be referred for diagnostic tests such as X-rays and scans within six weeks.


There are a wide variety of different diagnostic tests available to patients, including ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scans, nuclear medicine (when radioactive dye is injected into a vein for a scan), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – and contrast studies (eg barium meal and barium swallow).


For example, there are a whole range of brain scans to diagnose a brain tumour and offer clinicians more data about a patient’s brain and spine – including CT and MR scans, FS MRI, fMRI, Dynamic MRI, MRA, MRS, PET, FDG-PET, SPECT and MEG.


NHS England also has a list of 15 key diagnostic tests which must be available to patients within six weeks of a GP referral – some of these may be carried out at an NHS hospital or at the clinic of a private NHS provider.


The 15 key tests which should be given to NHS England patients within six weeks of GP referral are:


Audiology assessment

Flexi Sigmoidoscopy

Barium Enema





Non-obstetric ultrasound


Peripheral neurophys

Dexa Scan

Sleep studies






Suspected cancer patients should be referred to a specialist within two weeks.



NHS breast screening is also available to women over the age of 50, who should be sent notification of a mammogram appointment every three years – with a second mammogram appointment made in the case of unclear mammogram results.


Duncan Lewis clinical negligence solicitors can advise patients who were not referred for the appropriate radiological tests on how to claim compensation if injury resulted.


Making Radiology Negligence Claims (Failure to take X-rays or Scans)


Clinical negligence claimants have three years in which to make a no win no fee Radiology Claims relating to a health professional’s failure to take X-rays or scans to diagnose a condition if further injury resulted.



Patients can also make no win no fee claims for fractures or other injuries or conditions which went undiagnosed because of non-referral for an X-ray or scan.


Duncan Lewis clinical negligence solicitors can also advise bereaved families on making a no win no fee Fatal Injuries Claim if a loved one lost their life as a result of negligence in being referred for a diagnostic X-ray or scan.


Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors – No win no fee Radiology Negligence Claims (Failure to take X-rays or Scans)


Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors is one of the UK’s leading no win no fee law firms – and has a successful track record in medical negligence cases, including advising both private patients and NHS patients on how to make no win no fee Radiology Negligence Claims (Failure to take X-rays or Scans) for compensation.


Because of the limitation period for making Radiology Negligence Claims (Failure to take X-rays or Scans), Duncan Lewis advises patients to get in touch as soon as they realise there is a problem with a diagnosis which has been delayed or missed because a diagnostic test was not advised – or was delayed as a result of negligence (for example, an appointment was not sent to the right address or not sent at all).


For expert legal advice on no win no fee Radiology Negligence Claims (Failure to take X-rays or Scans), call Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors on 020 7923 4020.

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