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Internal Damage To Organs

Internal Damage To Organs


Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors – No win no fee Claims for Internal Organ Damage


“My bladder was injured during keyhole surgery.”


Internal organ damage usually requires emergency surgery, especially if the organ damage was the result of trauma or surgical error.


In the abdomen some organs are “solid organs” (eg liver, kidneys, spleen) – while others are “hollow organs” (eg stomach, bladder, colon).


In cases where hollow organs are cut or penetrated during surgery, the contents of the organ are likely to leak (blood, urine, faeces, stomach acid) and may cause inflammation and internal bleeding, as well as infection.


Some forms of internal organ damage can be fatal without immediate surgery.


Some of the most common no win no fee compensation claims involving damage to internal organs include:


  • Aorta – the main artery providing blood flow from the heart to the body and brain. A ruptured aorta can result in catastrophic injuries or death.
  • Broken ribs – a broke rib can easily puncture a lung so care must be taken with patients who have sustained broken ribs.
  • Gastrointestinal perforation – in laparoscopic surgery (such as a laparoscopic hysterectomy), there is a risk of perforating the large bowel, which may cause faecal infection and lead to sepsis.
  • Kidney damage – may result in pain, infection and blood in the urine.
  • Liver damage – the liver is the body’s largest gland. In certain types of surgery, including adrenalectomy or kidney surgery, care must be taken not to injure the liver.
  • Ruptured Spleen – an organ below the left ribcage responsible for fighting infection, which if injured can cause severe internal bleeding –the spleen needs to be removed urgently before death occurs.


Making Internal Organ Damage Claims


Patients who have suffered injury to internal organs as a result of negligent surgery have three years from the date of injury or diagnosis of injury in which to make a no win no fee claim for internal organ damage compensation.


Children who suffered internal organ damage as a result of negligent surgery can make a compensation claim up to the age of 21.


In cases where a loved one has lost their life as a result of internal organ damage during negligent surgery, Duncan Lewis clinical negligence solicitors can advise bereaved families on how to make a no win no fee Fatal Injuries Claim.


Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors – No win no fee Claims for Internal Organ Damage


Duncan Lewis is one of the UK’s leading no win no fee law firms and can advise both NHS patients and private patients who have suffered internal organ damage during surgery on how to make a no win no fee compensation claim.


Because of the limitation period for making internal organ damage claims, Duncan Lewis clinical negligence solicitors advise patients to get in touch to discuss making a claim as soon as possible.


Duncan Lewis can also advise the parents or guardian of a child injured as a result of internal organ damage on how to make a no win no fee compensation claim before the child is 21 by acting as their Litigation Friend. Your Duncan Lewis clinical negligence lawyer will explain how to go about doing this.


For expert legal advice on no win no fee Internal Organ Damage Claims, call Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors on 020 7923 4020.

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