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Debt News

Duncan Lewis:Debt

Insolvency – Directors Have Benefit of Doubt (20 June 2008)

The Insolvency Act 1986 requires that the books and records of an insolvent company must be handed over by the company’s officers   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Debt

Debt Collectors - Better Protection for Consumers (16 June 2008)

Rogue debt collectors face tough new rules in a Government bid to improve consumer protection in this contentious area. This is because of changes to the Consumer Credit Act 2006 (CCA) which have recently come into effect.

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Tough Going for Customers as Banks Seek Security (9 June 2008)

Recent figures from the Courts Service show that lenders of consumer credit (as opposed to mortgages) are increasingly taking steps   Read more...

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Debt Still Valid After Bankruptcy (28 April 2008)

When a person is unable to pursue a claim against someone who has been made bankrupt on account of the bankruptcy having been discharged  Read more...

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IVAs - New Code of Conduct (20 April 2008)

A new voluntary code of conduct for the management of Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) has been announced.   Read more...

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Worried about Debt? Contact us (13 April 2008)

The 21st century mobile age more or less operates on credit. Every day you are offered new credit cards and other alluring financial products. Sometimes, however, things can get out of control as financial discipline gives way to the fun of frivolous spending. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever.   Read more...

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