The 21st century mobile age more or less operates on credit. Every day you are offered new credit cards and other alluring financial products. Sometimes, however, things can get out of control as financial discipline gives way to the fun of frivolous spending. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. As the spending spree comes to an end you could soon realise that you are in a complete financial mess – with outgoings to meet the interest payments on your existing debt meaning that you have nothing with which to buy life’s essentials. More borrowing only compounds the problem.
Alternatively your debt issues may have been genuinely out of your control. An accident for which you were not compensated could have resulted in a period out of work. The loss of income over a sustained period can obviously give rise to problems with debt that you would have never encountered but for a freak event in your life.
In either case, before you let things get any worse, the sensible thing to do is to seek professional help – and that is where Duncan Lewis & Co can help.
Duncan Lewis & Co was established in 1998, but has already grown to be one of the largest providers of legal advice to individuals in the country. It is committed to excellent quality of Legal services. It prides itself on the expertise of its lawyers who will advise you on the best solution for you in a completely confidential environment.
Duncan Lewis & Co has a separate department dealing specifically with debt related issues and a dedicated team of solicitors specialising in this area. For more details go to Solicitors in Middlesex
Duncan Lewis & Co may be able to provide you with a range of options for dealing with your debt that you were completely unaware of – giving you confidence that you can resolve your debt issues in the most appropriate way in all of your circumstances. These could include:-
Re-structuring debt on an informal basis with creditors
Entering into a formal payment arrangement with creditors which could reduce the total amount of your debt (known as an Individual Voluntary Arrangement)
Personal insolvency to enable you to clear your debts and start with a clean slate; and
Helping you recover money that you may be owed by others which are contributing to your debt problems.
We are experts in finding solutions to complex debt issues and are available to help using a range of payment options which may include the availability of legal aid or fixed fees to ensure that your debt problems are not compounded by the possibility of open ended legal fees.
For any debt related issues please contact us at any time via our website or on our free phone number to be connected to a specialist advisor. Visit us at for more details.