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Cocaine use “firmly embedded in UK society” (16 March 2015)

Date: 16/03/2015
Duncan Lewis, Crime Solicitors, Cocaine use “firmly embedded in UK society”

A new report by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has found that cocaine use has trebled among the general population in the last two decades – with peak usage occurring between 2008 and 2009, when an estimated 885,000 people aged 16 to 59 were users.

Cocaine use is no longer used just by the wealthy, the report says – and the habit has now been adopted by people aged up to 54 and not just young adults.

Researchers used crime figures from England and Wales to compile an overview of cocaine use.

The Class A drug has become more popular as cheaper versions of the drug – sometimes “cut” with other substances – have emerged.

Other dugs have also been passed off as powdered cocaine, often causing serious injury or death. In the Netherlands, dealers have been passing off heroin as cocaine, with British tourists dying as a result of snorting it, believing it to be cocaine.

Prof Les Iversen of the Advisory Council said:

“Consumption of powdered cocaine has changed radically over the last two decades.

“Once characterised as the preserve of wealthy bankers and celebrities, our research shows that a cheaper, low-purity version has permeated society far more widely. I believe that cocaine is firmly embedded in UK society.”

The report was carried out for government ministers amid concern that there is now widespread use of cocaine – and it is also perceived as a “safe” drug.

Duncan Lewis Crime Lawyers

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