O was charged with an offence often described as ‘money laundering’, and faced an indictment before the Woolwich Crown Court. A retrial was required, an unusual event, which can often occur where a jury remain undecided on a person’s guilt. Read more...
Since 2012, foreign national prisoners who have been serving indeterminate sentences have been able to take advantage of the ‘TERS’ scheme (Tariff Expiry Removal Scheme). This means that most foreign nationals are eligible to be immediately deported home as soon as they complete their tariff, and no longer have to go through the parole process. The scheme is good news for anyone wanting to go home and not have to endure the parole process which has experienced significant delays in recent years. It is particularly beneficial to any foreign national prisoner serving an imprisonment for public protection (IPP) sentence and ultimately stagnating as they struggle to get access to rehabilitation courses in order to progress. The TERS scheme is in theory open to all foreign nationals. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors is excited to welcome new Crime Director Nicholas De Freitas, he will be based in the company’s Harrow branch. With 10 years legal experience, Nicolas joins Duncan Lewis from Noble Solicitors as a well-established Criminal Defence solicitor, supervising Harrow’s team of crime caseworkers and solicitors, alongside Crime Director Rubin Italia and Hardeep Dhaliwal. Read more...