The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 is commonly known as the ‘anti-stalking law,’ but it does not actually use the word ‘stalking’ and does not properly define what constitutes ‘harassment.’ It is, in the end, down to the individual court to decide whether the conduct in a particular case amounts to harassment. Read more...
Given the seemingly unstoppable growth of the internet, there are ever more opportunities for using it for criminal purposes for personal gain. This is basically what Cyber crime is, illegal activity on the internet. There are numerous security risks that come with connecting up to a network and anyone with an internet connection, a decent PC and the right sort of knowledge has all they require for launching a career in software piracy, email espionage, credit card fraud and a whole raft of other illegal activities. Read more...
Intercepting someone else’s telephone calls is a criminal rather than a civil offence and can result in the imposition of a fine, a prison sentence of up to two years or both. There may also be civil actions involved in phone hacking cases, so the victims are able to sue the hacker for damages. Read more...
In the UK, it is against the law to carry guns or knives and even carrying an imitation or replica gun is illegal. Anyone caught carrying, selling or buying such weapons is liable to prosecution, for example, it is against the law for a shop to sell a knife to anyone under 18 years of age; this includes even cutlery and kitchen knives. It is also illegal for a shop to sell an imitation gun to anyone under 18 or indeed to sell realistic replica guns to anyone at all. If you purchase any such item and you are in that age bracket you will be prosecuted and are liable to serve a prison sentence. Read more...
The worst sorts of corporate failures, in terms of efficient health and safety management can be effectively prosecuted by means of corporate manslaughter legislation. Read more...
If you find yourself being questioned by the police, at the police station or anywhere else, and whether or not you have been arrested, you are entitled to legal aid. Even if you have initially informed the police that you do not wish to see a solicitor you can subsequently change your mind at any stage. Legal aid is completely free and everyone is entitled to receive it when they are being questioned, whatever their savings or income level. Read more...
Represented a mental health patient who made admissions regarding historic murders and sexual offences. The case involved very complex issues turning on mental capacity at that time as well as this the specialist team included the foremost forensic psychiatrists in their field. Read more...
In the last few days there have been a series of damage to property, burglary over a number of major cities in the UK, most notably in London. The Metropolitan Police number approximately 3000 of those only a small number are qualified and trained in tactical support, namely riots. Read more...
Duncan Lewis has a 24 hour emergency crime number 07920 077 057. If you or anyone you know has been arrested or maybe arrested , don^t delay but call us immediatley for free advice and assistance at the police station. Read more...
Operation Overt was the largest operation to infiltrate what prosecutors said was a plot to murder people using liquid bombs on planes by using distilled concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide masked as “Fizzy Drinks”. Read more...
This case involved an organised gang, who stole cars to order over a relatively wide geographical area covered, between March/April 2011. Read more...
The emergence of new scientific evidence has resulted in the re-trial of two men previously acquitted of the murder of Stephen Lawrence. The 800 year old Double Jeopardy Rule preventing a person from being tried for the same crime twice was abolished 6 years ago in April 2005. Read more...
We live in a democratic society where all citizens have the right to access justice and the right to a fair trial….don’t we? Unfortunately loss of funding to Citizens Advice Bureaus and the recent government plans set to reduce the legal aid budget by £350 million would suggest otherwise. Read more...
A prison designated with "units" designed to house the worst criminals and those with the highest risk of escape features as the most stringent form of detention in our prison system. These prisons are more commonly referred to as ‘super-max’, and as its name suggests seeks to ensure that the most dangerous criminals and those who pose the greatest threat to national security do not escape these walls. Read more...
The new government can expect nothing but challenges in the coming months in terms of immigration, tax, the economy and banking reform. In terms of criminal law then what is in the national interest?
We in crime, continue to deal at ever increasing rates with individuals who have mental health difficulties but are living within the community. Regrettably the support systems that are supposed to be a primary care point for them appear to be failing everyone. Read more...