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Crime Solicitors

Notable Criminal and Mental Health Cases (11 October 2011)

Date: 11/10/2011
Duncan Lewis, Crime Solicitors, Notable Criminal and Mental Health Cases

***Double Murder**
Represented a mental health patient who made admissions regarding historic murders and sexual offences. The case involved very complex issues turning on mental capacity at that time as well as this the specialist team included the foremost forensic psychiatrists in their field.

***Fire starter!**
Client charged with Arson with Intent after setting fire to her flat using slippers and correspondence. Unanimously acquitted as we successfully argued that at the relevant time she was unwell and put forward the difficult defence of insanity.

***Out of sight out of Mind** – The case where the local health trust did not assist the client or the community

Client had sent threatening emails to civil service workers. He was clearly paranoid and unwell. His local community mental health trust had done nothing despite representations made to them. A formal complaint was put before the trust. He was subsequently acquitted and a hospital order was made in his favour.

***Isolated Fire at Broadmoor ?**
Client charged with Arson with Intent, whilst in isolation at Broadmoor Hospital maintaining that he started the fire to alert staff to images he had seen on the television. The television was not plugged in and in any event incapable of receiving a signal. Despite the clients clear mental health difficulties the CPS continued with a prosecution but eventually dropped the charge and offered a lesser alternative.
By Rubin Italia

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