Duncan Lewis is a leading firm of personal injury and Legal Aid solicitors and can advise on making no win no fee slip and trip claims when injury occurs as a result of someone else’s negligence.
Slip and trip injuries are often sustained because of poor maintenance and health and safety issues.
Slip and trip holiday accidents can occur if hotel floors are mopped and left wet without a hazard sign left to warn holidaymakers.
Food or drinks spilled on floors and stairs are another common cause of slip and trip accidents.
Hazards like broken paving stones, badly maintained public highways and crumbling steps or worn carpet on stairs can all lead to a slip and trip injury – which can be serious if injuries such as a broken ankle occur.
Slip and trip injuries which can be claim for include:
Most slip and trip injuries get better with time, but sometimes catastrophic injuries or life changing injuries occur. Minor injuries can become more serious if a blood clot develops, as can happen with concussion; or a serious fracture occurs, such as a broken ankle which fails to heal.
Claims for slip and trip compensation fall under the area of law known as personal injury.
Personal injury claimants usually have three years from the date of the injury to make a claim for slip and trip compensation.
Claims can sometimes be made outside the three-year limitation period, however.
Because of the limitation period for personal injury claims, it is important to seek legal advice from Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors as soon as possible if you are injured in a slip and trip accident.
Family members can call Duncan Lewis for advice on making a claim if a loved one has been injured and is still recovering in hospital.
Compensation for Slip and Trip accidents includes:
Compensation claims for slip and trip accidents are paid by the insurer of whoever is liable for the accident.
If you booked a package holiday and were injured as a result of slipping on a wet floor, for example, your tour operator’s insurer would most likely pay the compensation.
If you slip at work, your employer’s insurer would pay – and if you slip or trip on the public highway, a claim might be settled by the insurer of whoever is responsible for maintaining the public highway.
Your Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitor will keep you fully informed at all stages of the case.
Most claims for slip and trip accident compensation are settled out-of-court – Duncan Lewis personal injury lawyers negotiate hard to get the best settlement for you.
But if a court hearing is necessary, Duncan Lewis instructs leading barristers who specialise in slip and trip personal injury cases, to make sure you have the best legal representation possible.
Accidents happen – but Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors have a successful track record in slip and trip accident claims.
Contact Duncan Lewis for free advice on making a slip and trip accident compensation claim by calling 020 7923 4020.