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Industrial Disease Claims

Industrial disease claims


Duncan Lewis Personal Injury Solicitors for Industrial Disease Claims


No Win No Fee Industrial Disease Claims


Duncan Lewis is a leading firm of personal injury and Legal Aid solicitors and can advise on making no win no fee industrial disease claims.


Employees who develop industrial diseases can make a claim for compensation even if their exposure to a hazardous material or chemical occurred decades previously.


Who can make Industrial Disease claims?


Many workers exposed to hazardous materials and chemicals go on to develop serious illness which are not only incapacitating but can also result in premature death.


Any worker who is diagnosed with work-related disease can make a claim for compensation.


Sometimes family members such as a spouse or children can also develop industrial disease if they came into contact with the contaminated clothes of their relative when they returned home from work. Claims for industrial disease compensation can be made in these cases, also.


Many workers exposed to asbestos have developed conditions such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, pleural thickening and pleural plaques – these workers can make Asbestos and Mesothelioma Claims.


Other workers who may be able to make industrial disease claims include:


  • Aluminium workers exposed to aluminium particles
  • Bakery workers or millers exposed to flour dust
  • Carpenters who inhale wood dust in saw mills or carpentry workshops
  • Coalminers exposed to coal dust
  • Teachers exposed to chalk dust.


These workers may suffer from diseases including pneumoconiosis, interstitial lung disease, silicosis, lung cancer or chronic asthma.


Industrial disease can develop up to 30 years or more after initial exposure to a hazardous material – and can even be diagnosed at post-mortem.


The dependents of workers who die of industrial disease before they are able to claim may be able to make a claim for compensation after their loved one has died.


Duncan Lewis industrial disease solicitors will be able to advise you further about making a claim after a loved one has died from industrial disease.


How long do I have to make Industrial Disease Claims?


Industrial disease claims fall under the area of law known as personal injury.


Personal injury claimants usually have three years from the date of the injury to make a claim for industrial disease compensation.


Claims can sometimes be made outside the three-year limitation period, however.


Because of the limitation period for personal injury claims, it is important to seek legal advice from Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors as soon as possible if you are diagnosed with an industrial disease.


Family members can call Duncan Lewis for advice on making a claim if a loved one has been diagnosed and is too ill to call – or has recently died as a result of industrial disease.


How much compensation can I claim for Industrial Disease?


Compensation for Industrial Disease Claims includes:

  • General Damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity
    The exact amount will be assessed according to the extent of injury, estimated recovery time and rehabilitation needed – and whether further medical treatment or even lifelong care is needed.
  • Special Damages to cover medical fees and out-of-pocket expenses
    Expenses might include physiotherapy, loss of earnings, travel expenses to hospital or damage to personal items. In more serious cases, ongoing care, loss of future salary and pension or adaptations to your home would be included.


Will my employer pay me Industrial Disease compensation?


Industrial disease can be diagnosed many years after exposure to hazardous materials in the workplace.


However, it is your current or former employer’s insurer who will settle any claim for industrial disease compensation.


Employers’ insurers are logged on a central system called the Employers’ Liability Tracing Office (ELTO) – so even employers and insurers dating back decades can be traced for the purpose of making industrial disease claims.


Will I have to go to court to claim compensation?


Your Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitor will keep you fully informed at all stages of the case.


Most industrial disease claims are settled out-of-court – Duncan Lewis personal injury lawyers negotiate hard to get the best settlement for you.


But if a court hearing is necessary, Duncan Lewis instructs leading barristers who specialise in industrial disease claims, to make sure you have the best legal representation possible.


Why Duncan Lewis is the best solicitor for Industrial Disease Claims


  • Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors understand just how traumatic being diagnosed with an industrial disease can be – we believe in putting you and your family first to obtain the best results for you
  • Duncan Lewis is one of the leading firms of Personal Injury and Legal Aid solicitors in the UK
  • Our initial advice on making a claim for industrial disease compensation is free
  • Duncan Lewis accepts industrial disease compensation claims on a no win no fee basis, so you will not have to worry about legal fees
  • We will visit you at home if you are coping with illness as a result of industrial disease – and can arrange expert medical opinions to help back up your claim
  • Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors will make sure you understand every stage of your industrial disease claim
  • We will handle negotiations for you, so you do not have to worry while you and your family are coping with your diagnosis and illness.


Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors have a successful track record in industrial disease claims.


Contact Duncan Lewis for free advice on making an industrial disease compensation claim by calling 020 7923 4020.

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