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Family Videos

Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery

Date when Video was Published: 23/08/2023

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Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery in Family Proceedings The Palermo Protocol defines trafficking as ‘the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons by improper means such as force, abduction, fraud or coercion, for an improper purpose including forced labour or sexual exploitation’. The Modern Slavery Act deals with slavery related offences, such as intent to cause a trafficking offence. Within the act, Child Trafficking is considered a form of child abuse. It is a popular trend for children and their parents to be transported into the UK from other countries, or from within the UK itself. Traffickers typically work as individuals or in groups as part of an extended organisation of criminal activity to recruit children to be trafficked. On occasion, circumstances can arise where there are concerns in relation to the conduct of a parent that has been trafficked and their ability to care for a child, an example being a parent or caregiver suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Therefore the child may suffer harm in the form of neglect, emotional, psychological or physical harm. Local Authorities are at liberty to involve themselves in family proceedings where trafficking issues have arisen and harm could be caused to the child. Commonly, the result can take the form of care proceedings, sometimes, with the Local Authority being granted interim care orders/ supervision orders by the court in order to remove at-risk children from their primary care-givers. Other family law proceedings to assist victims of trafficking may include Prohibited Steps Orders or Wardship Orders, which restrict a potential trafficker’s ability to remove children from the jurisdiction. Alternatively, Child Arrangements Orders can protect the child where one parent could be attempting to traffic the child. Many cases of children and young people being trafficked share common themes of sexual exploitation and physical or emotional abuse. Duncan Lewis Solicitors have specialist solicitors who represent clients in this niche area of law. Please visit our website or call us directly on 033 3772 0409

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This video content was created on 23/08/2023 to provide an overview of the legal position and the information was correct at the time this video was created. This video has been produced for purposes of generic information and marketing purposes only. While the information on this site is about legal issues, it is not intended as legal advice or as a substitute for the particularised advice of your own legal advisor. Please consult one of our lawyers to provide you with advice and assistance on any matters touched on this video. Viewing of this video does not create legally binding advice and does not create a retainer with Duncan Lewis Solicitors. This video is Copyrighted at Duncan Lewis Solicitors 2023. Any illegal reproduction of this content is prohibited and will result in immediate legal action.

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