Sexual exploitation Sexual exploitation occurs amongst adults and children. Individuals exploited often have complex needs and are prone to being preyed upon by perpetrators who will use their vulnerabilities such as addiction to coerce them into performing sexual favours in exchange for drugs and or alcohol. Often, in cases of child-victims, the perpetrator may have convinced them that the sexual acts they are performing are part of a genuine and consensual romantic attachment, known as ‘grooming’. This form of sexual exploitation can be dangerous as the individual does not recognise it as a problem and even if they do are unlikely to seek help as they may believe the perpetrator genuinely loves. In other cases, the perpetrator may use threats of harm against them or someone they care about, causing them to believe they have no other option but to continue being exploited. Sexual exploitation can also take place online where the perpetrator can keep their identity hidden. A victim of online sexual exploitation may be coerced into anything from sexual conversations to being filmed performing sexual acts. These acts can be archived by the perpetrator and then used to blackmail the victim into performing the acts again, also known as ‘revenge porn’. The Local Authority has a duty of care to protect children from sexual harm. If the Local Authority are of the view that there is significant risk of sexual harm to a child they can make an application for a Care Order to remove the child from their parents or primary care giver. Other family law proceedings to assist victims may include Prohibited Steps Orders or Wardship Orders, which restrict a potential abusers ability to remove from the jurisdiction. Alternatively, Child Arrangements Orders can offer protection for children where one parent could be attempting to sexually exploit the child. Duncan Lewis Solicitors have specialist solicitors who represent clients in this niche area of law. Please visit our website or call us directly on 033 3772 0409
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