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Krina Parmar , Duncan Lewis , Child Care Solicitor , Birmingham

Krina Parmar

Director & Solicitor

Contact Information

Krina's Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery in Family Proceedings Profile / Experience

In specific areas of the UK, trafficking and modern day slavery, including sexual exploitation, are becoming more and more evident within the Family Courts. I have the expertise to deal with cases of this nature in a proactive and sensitive manner. I am able to offer these vulnerable clients, the ability to listen and analyse the evidence before the court and advise the client in a manner that they will be able to understand the next steps that are required in their child’s best interest.
I acknowledge that cases of this nature may require assessments to be undertaken both inside and outside of the UK and therefore have experience in instructing experts outside of the jurisdiction. I also appreciate that there may be immigration issues that need to be considered as part of the proceedings and have regular experience working closely with our immigration and Public Law Team in this regard.
I also recognise victims that have suffered from the issues highlighted, often suffer trauma and as a consequence have a diagnosis of mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorders. In cases such as this I ensure that clients are properly supported, assessed and equipped with the necessary help and assistance.


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