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Samuel Watkins , Duncan Lewis , Immigration Freelance Solicitor , Dalston

Samuel Watkins


Contact Information

Profile / Experience

I joined Duncan Lewis as an Immigration Caseworker in June 2011, specialising in Asylum & Human Rights Law before becoming an Immigration Consultant in April 2013. Prior to this I spent 7 years working for the Immigration Advisory Service representing people detained in immigration centres. I achieved my accreditation under the Law Society Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme in 2007 and am currently qualified at Level 2 (Senior Caseworker).

My extensive experience in this area enables me to quickly identify issues, which can be used to pursue release and to provide detained clients with an overview of the position of the case and the options available to them.

I am experienced in dealing with all types of detained cases, particularly in asylum law and process "third country" cases, those suffering from medical/psychological issues, victims of torture and trafficking and also deportation matters. I am experienced and willing to act under extreme time pressures to ensure that justice is achieved for my clients.


  • Immigration Advisory Service - Caseworker - 2006-2010
  • Duncan Lewis Solicitors - Caseworker - 2011-2012
  • Duncan Lewis Solicitors - Immigration Consultant - 2012-Present

Membership & Accreditations

  • IAAS Level 2 - 2008 - Present
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