I am a caseworker in Duncan Lewis' Housing Department, based in the City of London office. I work under the supervision of Zuhal Saglam Bas and Director, Bernadette Chikwe. I am involved in various arears of housing law matters. Some include disrepair cases, homelessness, statutory and non-statutory reviews under the Housing Act.
Since becoming a caseworker at Duncan Lewis, I have had the opportunity to deal with complex cases and deal with very personal matters – i.e street homelessness, accommodation deemed as detrimental and generally unsuitable accommodation having a direct effect on vulnerable clients mental and physical health.
I also assist the solicitors in attending court, gaining experience in supporting counsel at trials and hearings.
Whilst I was at University, I participated in my University's Legal Advice Clinic in London, advising members of the public on any legal issues including housing and employment matters. I have a strong background in Housing, and look forward to expanding in other areas.