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Priya Jandu, Duncan Lewis

Priya Jandu


Priya's High Net Worth Divorce Profile / Experience

I am a Family Solicitor at our Birmingham office. One of my principal areas of expertise are High Net Worth Divorce and Financial Matters ancillary to High Net Worth Divorce.

I have run such cases since 2021 and have worked on a varied and complex caseload, including, but not limited to; foreign and jurisdictional issues, dissipation of matrimonial assets, non-disclosure and freezing assets, pensions, business assets and high value personal assets.

Where appropriate I adopt the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to communicate between the separating families to resolve the outstanding contested financial issues in order to avoid court proceedings and associated costs, always ensuring the settlement is fair and proportionate in the circumstances.

I am also experienced with Financial Remedy Proceedings in court and have had a number of complex cases proceed to Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR) and Final Contested hearings and having them conclude with positive outcomes.


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