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Fauzia Mumani, Duncan Lewis

Fauzia Mumani


Contact Information

Fauzia's Deprivation of Liberty Applications Profile / Experience

I advise, assist and represent children and parents in both applications for Deprivation of Liberty Orders and Secure Accommodation Orders, which can be made either as free-standing applications or applications within Care Proceedings. These applications are, more often than not, extremely complex and require careful scrutiny, as they are designed to authorise the restriction of the a child’s human rights. It is essential that careful consideration is given to the specific facts of each case, to ensure that the child’s needs are met and their human rights are protected. I have extensive experience in assisting clients within these applications, including assisting clients where the child subject to these applications is neurodiverse or has complex mental health issues. I work tirelessly to ensure that the child’s human rights are respected and protected, whilst also ensuring the correct placement is identified.


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