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Alia Lewis , Duncan Lewis , Child Care Solicitor , Harrow

Alia Lewis

Director & Solicitor

Contact Information

Alia's Autism/ADHD in Family and Children Law Profile / Experience

Alia Lewis is the parent of an autistic child and through this experience has identified the knowledge gaps and discriminatory practices within the family justice system in relation to neurodivergence. This has been the driving force behind Alia’s work to improve understanding of neurodivergence amongst professionals and reform practice across the family justice system. In 2023, Alia won the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Award for Children’s Rights, in recognition of her ongoing work and gained a Level 2 qualification in Understanding Autism.

Alia is a co-founder of Family Law Advice for the Neurodivergent Community (FLANC).


View Alia Lewis’s main profile

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