I am a Trainee Solicitor in the Business and Private Immigration team at Duncan Lewis Solicitors' City of London office, working under the supervision of Director Vicash Ramkissoon.
As a trainee solicitor, I undertake work on multiple case matters and also assist a team of directors, solicitors and caseworkers with the daily progression of cases and applications on a variety of immigration matters. This includes assisting with drafting applications and documents, undertaking legal research and engaging with clients.
Whilst studying for my undergraduate BA and postgraduate Masters course I undertook extensive research on Immigration policies and procedures in the southern region of Europe, focusing particularly on Italy. Here I collaborated as a caseworker with the "Migrant Observatory" in Bari (Apulia, Italy) and with the Social Institute "Pedro Arrupe" in Palermo (Sicily, Italy).
Whilst studying for the GDL and LPC I undertook pro bono work at the Immigration and Asylum First Tier Tribunal 'Taylor House' in London, sitting in a number of immigration cases of unrepresented litigants. I also volunteered at the BPP Legal Advice Clinic assisting clients in a number of housing and welfare rights matters.
I am fluent in Italian, Spanish and currently learning Greek.