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Lily Grimshaw, Duncan Lewis

Lily Grimshaw


Contact Information

Lily's Adoption Profile / Experience

I am a Caseworker in the Family and Childcare Department of Duncan Lewis Solicitors. Based at the Manchester branch, I currently work under the direct supervision of Family and Childcare director and solicitor, Meena Kumari, assisting in a wide range of matters.

I am directly supervised by Emily Reed and represent parents and family members as parties to applications for child arrangement orders, special guardianship orders, child abduction matters, adoption proceedings and care proceedings.

I am currently studying for my SQE1 with the funding that I was awarded through the Social Welfare Solicitors Qualification Fund. I am due to sit my exams in January 2024.

I have formed strong connections with charities across Yorkshire and the North West, including IDAS in Sheffield and Bradford Rape Crisis Centre, and I am looking to build my network further.


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