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Windrush scheme falls short of righting wrongs (Law Gazette) (2 October 2020)

Date: 02/10/2020
Duncan Lewis, InThePress Solicitors, Windrush scheme falls short of righting wrongs (Law Gazette)

Public law solicitor Jeremy Bloom writes in the Law Society Gazette about the Home Office’s continuing denial of rights of leave to remain, citizenship, and access to justice for the Windrush generation. Jeremy explains that although many of the breaches committed by the Home office may be historic, the impacts continue to be felt today and further breaches are being committed. Countless people have been refused access to healthcare, housing, or banking facilities, others have lost their jobs, been deported, or been refused access to the UK. The immigration scheme is unduly restrictive and prevents many individuals who have been affected by the historic breaches from regularising their status under the scheme.

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