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In The Press

Lawyer in the news: Vinita Templeton (The Law Society Gazette) (26 July 2021)

Date: 26/07/2021
Duncan Lewis, InThePress Solicitors, Lawyer in the news: Vinita Templeton (The Law Society Gazette)

Our Public Law and Immigration director Vinita Templeton is The Law Society Gazette' 'Lawyer in the news'. She ‘represented a group of Fiji-born soldiers who lost their legal status after being discharged from the British Army in a legal battle against the Ministry of Defence and Home Office seeking an acknowledgement of historical injustices, unfair processes and extortionate application fees’. Vinita commented: “The court refused permission to apply for judicial review, deeming the claim to be out of time and without merit as it raised allegations of maladministration and not illegality. However, the case garnered media attention and public support. Remarkably, momentum continues with an ongoing campaign, which triggered a review of immigration policies applicable to foreign and Commonwealth service personnel, including a public consultation about the size of the Home Office application fees.”

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