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Civil Litigation News

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Construction Dispute – Get it in Writing (1 February 2009)

Attempting to settle a construction dispute by the use of an adjudicator often seems to create more problems than it solves, as a recent case illustrates  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Is Arbitration History? (1 February 2009)

A recent case has called into question the inherent fairness of arbitration clauses used in agreements between businesses and consumers, unless consumers are properly advised on the legal effect of such clauses  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Home Buyer Not Required to House Council Tenants (1 February 2009)

A Buckinghamshire man has been freed from a restrictive covenant requiring him to make his property available to council tenants, following a recent appeal

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Fairness Means Couple Receive House (1 February 2009)

It is common for families to dispute agreements made relating to property

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