Cowboy builders often use shell companies, which can be quickly dissolved, allowing the people behind the company (i.e. the builders themselves) to disappear without being pursued for the company’s liabilities. Read more...
What is the Bounce Back Loan Scheme and how has it impacted on fraudulent activities? Read more...
How a case with an award of £10 in nominal damages was awarded costs of £200,000 Read more...
A look into the case of Bank of New York Mellon (International) Ltd and Others v Cine-UK Ltd and Others Read more...
In the recent case of Beattie Passive Norse Ltd & Anor v Canham Consulting Ltd [2021] EWHC 1116 (TCC), Mr Justice Fraser awarded the sum of £2000 to the Claimants that brought the claim, who were seeking £3.7m. Read more...