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Civil Litigation Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Ex Turpi Causa (22 December 2015)

Ex turpi causa non oritur action, usually shortened to ex turpi causa, is Latin for a doctrine in law meaning a claimant will be unable to benefit through the courts for a legal action should it arise from their own illegal act. Its direct translation is “from a dishonourable cause an action does not arise”.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Obtaining a charging order over an asset (18 December 2015)

A Charging Order is a court order that secures a defendant’s asset for the judgment creditor so that if/when is it sold the creditor is entitled to recover the monies owed to them from the sale proceeds. To force a sale, the creditor needs to apply for an Order for Sale after a Charging Order has been granted.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Duncan Lewis Civil Litigation Director Anthony Okhuma discusses the London Rent Crisis and Property Guardians in the International Business Times (16 July 2015)

Duncan Lewis Civil Litigation Director Anthony Okhuma featured in the International Business Times on 16th July 2015 discussing the “rent crisis” in London and the rights of live-in property guardians.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

An update on Assured Shorthold Tenancies (29 April 2015)

In this article Duncan Lewis Civil Litigation Solicitor Ross Hulmston provides an update on Assured Shorthold Tenancies in the light of the Deregulation Act 2015 which was introduced on the 26th March.  Read more...

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