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Civil Litigation Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Court’s powers to strike out a claim – how to ensure your case resists the strike out test? (7 May 2019)

The court has the power to strike out a party’s statements of case (or any part of it) through its case management powers under CPR 3.4. This can happen when the statement of case does not disclose “reasonable grounds for bringing the claim”. The court can exercise this power upon a party's application or on its own initiative.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Will Brexit Frustrate Your Lease? (15 March 2019)

The United Kingdom has long accommodated the headquarters of many companies, government agencies and organisations; in light of the bold Brexit vote, many now seek to relocate to EU states. The case of Canary Wharf (BP4) T1 Ltd v European Medicines Agency [2019] EWHC 335 (Ch) has dealt with the prominent issue of whether a lease can be frustrated as a result of Brexit.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Brexit - A help or hindrance? Our take on Civil Litigation Post-Brexit (B-Day) (8 February 2019)

There has been much speculation as to what will happen post Brexit. Will companies have to pay largely inflated prices in order to trade with European Union (‘EU’) companies? Will the financial markets crash? Will it even be worth trading with EU member states after March 29th (‘B-Day’)?   Read more...

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