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Civil Litigation Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Court Must Hear Evidence Before Deciding (1 September 2009)

Cases involving the custody of children are often very contentious and need to be approached with sensitivity and care  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Deskbound Worker Wins Compensation for Blood Clot (1 September 2009)

An office worker who suffered a blood clot after spending long hours sitting at her desk has received an undisclosed sum in compensation

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Use of Bank Account Amounts to Criminal Conversion (1 September 2009)

A man who allowed his bank account to be used to lodge funds that amounted to criminal property was guilty of the crime of converting criminal property  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Incarceration Does Not Bring Compensation (1 September 2009)

In an unusual case, the House of Lords has confirmed that a person cannot benefit from their own wrongdoing  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Friends Fall Out When Agreements Not Formal (1 July 2009)

Doing business with friends can be fraught with danger, as a recent case illustrates  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Civil Litigation

Careful Driver Not Responsible for Death (1 July 2009)

An unavoidable collision is the secret nightmare of many drivers, especially one in which death or serious injury results  Read more...

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