Noise nuisance is regrettably an increasing feature of modern life, but one normally expects problems with noise to be associated with city living, not the countryside.
Thwaites, the Blackburn-based brewery which owns 400 pubs, has won a victory which will bring cheer to licensees, but may cause consternation for those who live near busy pubs that open well into the night. Read more...
Not so long ago, virtually all websites had some sort of business purpose. However, the ^social networking^ phenomenon has led to the creation of hundreds of thousands of websites which exist primarily for the exchange of information, which may be uninformed - or worse.
Blackburn-based brewery Thwaites, which owns 400 pubs, has won a victory which will bring cheer to licensees, Read more...
A boy who suffered brain damage after he was kicked in the head while playing on a bouncy castle has been awarded compensation that could amount to £1 million, a ruling that will cause parents to stop and think. Read more...
The provision of assistance by a company for the purchase of its shares has long been a difficult area of law. Read more...
A recent decision by the Court of Appeal has established that a partnership can be held liable in criminal proceedings as a separate entity from its Read more...
The Court^s decision in the recent case brought against the clearing banks, in which it was argued that their system of charging customers was subject to the terms of the Unfair Read more...
In principle, the notion of self-defence is straightforward. A person is entitled to use reasonable force to defend themselves against attack and in certain other circumstances. Read more...
Following the recent judgment in the Court of Appeal that the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) was wrong to reject six patent applications purely on the grounds that they were for software Read more...
European law is having an ever-increasing influence on UK law and one example is the creation of the Registered Community Design (RCD). Read more...
There have been several cases before the courts in recent years which arose because a house or property was purchased Read more...
The result of the first ‘class action’ brought in the UK regarding price-fixing has been settled, with one of the culprits Read more...
It might well be a surprise to many, but when your child comes home from school with a bag brimming with photocopies Read more...
A landmark decision of the House of Lords could pave the way for some victims of sexual abuse to claim Read more...
The Government always seems to be introducing some sort of ‘modernising’ initiative or other and in recent years the legal profession has had to deal with a great number of changes aimed at modernising the law.
A recent case raised the question of whether an association could consist of a single person. Read more...
A recent case raised the question of whether an association could consist of a single person. Read more...
Theft using IT is a rapidly growing area of crime, with ever-greater sophistication being used to plunder the bank accounts Read more...
The Companies Act 2006, most of which is now in force, imposes tough new criteria governing the behaviour of directors. Read more...
These days, health and safety issues are important considerations for the management of most firms
Misunderstandings are at the base of many legal disputes and nowhere is this more evident than in disputes involving insurance claims. Read more...